
Creep of the Week: Cliff Kincaid

Last month when the Conservative Political Action Conference let gay conservative group GOProud cosponsor, they sure raised a shit storm. Ryan Sorba, last week's Creep, got his 15-minutes of fame when he was booed for excoriating GOProud's inclusion. Anti-gay conservatives have lauded Sorba as a hero and they just can't stop talking about it.
One such Sorba fan is Accuracy In Media's Cliff Kincaid. In a Feb. 22 column titled "The Gay Infiltration of the Conservative Movement," Kincaid praised Sorba and sought to prove that one could not be both gay and a true conservative.

"GOProud's commitment to constitutionally protected homosexual sodomy (i.e., anal intercourse) is not a position that appears on the agenda of any conservative groups," Kincaid writes. "Hence, using the term 'gay conservative' to describe these people is either a deliberate deception or an oxymoron that doesn't stand up under scrutiny."
Got it. In order to be a conservative you have to agree with any and all conservative ideas and principles, even ones that demean you as a human being. In other words, when it comes to true conservatives, you're either with them or against them. Gays are, obviously, against them, because of penises and butts and combinations thereof – and since this is all there is to gays in the first place, at least to Kincaid, any claim to conservative principles is automatically a fraud.
"GOProud … claims to be 'conservative' but supports the Obama policy of putting active and open homosexuals in the military, supports homosexual marriage, and even advocates a foreign policy of promoting acceptance of sodomy abroad," Kincaid continues. "The latter is referred to as 'Standing strong against radical regimes who seek to criminalize gays and lesbians.' These 'radical regimes,' such as the Christian-dominated government in Uganda, are trying to prevent the spread of AIDS and protect traditional moral values by toughening laws against homosexuality."
Ah, yes. The good, Christian government of Uganda, which has pending legislation to put gays in prison for life or just execute them. Kincaid has been an outspoken supporter of Uganda's aims. Apparently this is the model Kincaid would like to see the United States follow.
Alas, as Kincaid writes, "(T)he 'banning' of homosexuality is not realistically possible at this stage in the United States because the Supreme Court has effectively legalized it."
But if banning homosexuality in the United States was possible, you bet your ass that Kincaid would be the first one on the ban wagon.
Kincaid finds the idea of gays in the military especially abhorrent. "(H)ow will open homosexuals in the U.S. military be greeted on Muslim lands where homosexuality is still illegal?" he asks.
To borrow from Dick Cheney if I may, I'd say they'd be greeted like the rest of the soldiers: as liberators. Kidding. But Kincaid raises some important issues. For one, do Muslims have fabulously good gay-dar? Or does Kincaid think gay soldiers will be wearing pink camouflage and sparkly feather boas? (Dazzle camouflage!)
Kincaid sees a gay takeover of the army as the ultimate goal. "Under these 'gay conservatives,' one can imagine gay soldiers being deployed to overthrow 'homophobic' regimes."
Once "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is repealed, it's only logical that the next step would be an all-volunteer gay army. Then a government takeover. Gays won't be happy until the rainbow flag is flying from the White House. God bless Gaymerica, from California to the New York Island, indeed.

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