
Creep of the Week: Dana Rohrabacher

As I write this it is Memorial Day, a day when we as a country mourn our lost veterans and give thanks for service members past and present. Although, let's be honest, for many Americans it's a day to grill burgers, drink beer and maybe, just maybe, put on a T-shirt with an eagle on it or American flag swim trunks.

Dana Rohrabacher

Mostly what I feel on this Memorial Day is sad. Sad that our veterans and our current service members have such a totally incompetent and unworthy commander in chief. America owes them all an apology.
I'm also sad about the 1,500 or so children that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has ripped from their parents and put into "foster homes or whatever" only to completely lose track of them. It's a nightmare. It's catastrophic. It's sickening. It's happening right here, right now.
I'm also sad because the NFL will punish players who kneel for the National Anthem in protest of police murdering unarmed black and brown men, women and children. If you're outraged by people kneeling during the anthem but you haven't managed to muster that same amount of outrage for the many homeless veterans in this country, I'm going to go out on a limb and say your issue isn't respect for troops so much as it is contempt for black and brown people.
But I'm not just sad, I'm pissed. And I hope you are, too. There's so much work to do to stem the tide into the cesspool of Trumpism. But one of the most important things you can do is to work to elect decent people to government. You must vote, but not only that, get involved with a campaign. Go volunteer to make phone calls, knock on doors, talk to voters. There are so many great people running across the country and they really need your help. You are busy — I get it, we all are — but do you want to look at your children/nephews/fur babies years from now and say, "When Trump was president I binge-watched all of the seasons of 'The Great British Baking Show' and 'BoJack Horseman' because I just couldn't even." No. No, you do not.
Because that's how people like Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) continue to hold office. Rohrabacher, a name that has come up repeatedly in to the Russia investigation that is definitely not a hoax, recently declared that it should be totally fine for people to refuse to sell houses to gays.
"Every homeowner should be able to make a decision not to sell their home to someone (if) they don't agree with their lifestyle," Rohrabacher told a group of Realtors according to the OC Register.
In case you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, don't. Because later when asked for clarification he doubled down.
"We've drawn a line on racism, but I don't think we should extend that line," Rohrabacher told the OCR. "A homeowner should not be required to be in business with someone they think is doing something that is immoral."
First of all, I have some strong doubts that Rohrabacher is even cool with the line being drawn at racism.
Secondly, for anyone who was wondering where the fight over bakers making cakes for gay weddings was heading, this is it. This is why cakes matter. It was never about cakes. It's about real people's lives.
Thankfully, this display of anti-gay animosity led the National Association of Realtors to stop supporting Rohrabacher with campaign contributions.
"We certainly hope that Congress will … support the elimination of housing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity," the NAR declared in a statement.
I'm also happy to report that Rohrabacher has many challengers in this next election. According to the OCR, Rohrabacher "is facing 15 challengers, including eight Democrats" and, "For the first time in 15 terms, Rohrabacher, a perennial shoo-in, might finally have cause to worry about his incumbency."
As he should. Because he is trash.
If you're in Orange County, definitely find someone running against Rohrabacher and put helping them on your dance card.
If you live elsewhere in the country, no doubt you have your own Rohrabacher to battle. Put on your volunteer armor and get to work.
