
Creep of the Week: Larry Craig

Let me make something clear: I don't think Larry Craig should've been arrested for what went down in that Minneapolis restroom. For one thing, nothing (or, for that matter, no one) went down. It's a clear-cut case of entrapment and Craig was foolish to plead guilty. He knows that now. Oh, how he knows that now.
But I also have no doubt he was cruising in that restroom. I believe Craig is a sad, pathetic closet case who has tried for years to compensate for his sexuality with staunchly anti-gay votes. He's a model of internalized homophobia and hypocrisy.
I didn't want to make Craig Creep of the Week again. But then he had to go and do that interview with Matt Lauer in which he denied, yet again and this time in excruciating detail with his wife at his side, that there was anything gay about him.
To quote Shakespeare, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
If you look at Craig's denial history you'll see that this is a man who doesn't learn from his mistakes. If it wasn't about a heterosexual tryst, Shaggy's "It Wasn't Me" could be Craig's theme song.
Take the time machine back to 1982. Several Congressional pages claim they've been sexed-up by members of Congress. Craig issues this statement: "I've got nothing to hide, nothing to be fearful of… But the very fact that allegations have been made and that they're being reported in the news have put a blight over me."
Thing is, Craig wasn't even accused. And he was the only member of Congress to make any kind of statement. He wasn't covering his ass, he was baring it.
Thus the rumors started. And never stopped. Now, of course, the big question is whether Craig solicited a cop in an restroom, or if he was, as he claims, simply adopting a wide stance to take a crap and reaching under the stall door to get a piece of toilet paper off his shoe.
It's the kind of story most people would be ashamed to make up once, let alone repeat on national television complete with Matt Lauer acting out the toe tapping and your wife sitting beside you. The wife who didn't find out you'd even gotten arrested until right before the media shit storm hit the fan.
The wife you married two years after the page scandal.
Lauer asked if the Craig's marriage was a marriage of convenience. "Oh, give me a break," said Suzanne. "People know me and know that I would never do that. You–that's almost like selling your soul for something. No."
Craig said, "Larry and Suzanne Craig do not sell their souls. I love this woman very, very much. And the day I found her, I fell in love, deeply in love. And that's lasted–we're heading toward our 25th anniversary."
Afterwards, Lauer said the interview was uncomfortable. "It's a very embarrassing subject, even to ask the questions," he said. "I found myself constantly looking at Mrs. Craig and wondering what was going through her mind."
One thing's for sure, she's standing by Craig's sorry ass–whether he deserves it or not.

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