
Creep of the Week: Sen. Paul Stanley

I've come to a conclusion: Sanctimonious anti-gay politicians are more likely to be hypocritical adulterous pricks than other segments of the population. Granted, I have no scientific evidence to back me up. It's just a hunch. A hunch that is made stronger every time I read the news.
My theory is that it takes the same lack of conscience to, say, argue that kids are better off in state care than with gay adoptive parents that it does to cheat on your wife with a young intern.
But hey, that's Tennessee Sen. Paul Stanley's life. Over the past couple of weeks Stanley's "honorable" conservative reputation has gotten a little bit, well, destroyed. It turns out that back in April Stanley was involved in a sex scandal complete with blackmail. How it was kept under wraps for so long I do not know. But Stanley's balls are out of the bag, or whatever that expression is.
If only Stanley hadn't snapped nudie shots of McKensie Morrison, the 22-year-old intern he was screwing. And if only Joel Watts, Morrison's boyfriend, hadn't found them.
Now, you might think Watts would be all, "Thanks, Gramps, for keeping my girlfriend entertained at work and for giving her an experience I would never be able to since I am not a hot shot Senator." But no. Watts was pretty pissed. And so he blackmailed Stanley asking for $10,000 in exchange for the pictures.
So Stanley sicced the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation on Watts's ass and Watts went to jail for extortion. But now Stanley has to deal with the fact that his dirty laundry is waving all over the godforsaken place.
Stanley, good Christian father (of two) and husband (of zero, soon) issued a public statement about the matter on his Web site. "For my errors I am very sorry, and I will continue to make amends," he wrote. "Admitting failure is difficult but necessary if one expects to ever better themselves by allowing God to work His will in their life. Giving myself to Him and rebuilding my family relationships are now the focus of my life."
Aww, isn't that sweet. Nothing puts the focus on the family quite like a public adultery scandal. Keep in mind that this is coming from a guy who was totally hot for abstinence-only education and a complete ban on gays and lesbians adopting children in his state. Because, you know, family values.
"The best home environment is one where mom and dad are there," Stanley has been quoted as saying. "When you're married, there's a commitment there."
Not that this experience has changed or humbled him. His statement continues, "Finally, many have critisized [sic] me for violating pro-family stances I have taken on a number of issues. I firmly believe God's standards are where they have always been. Just because I fell far short of those standards, does not negate the standard set by God."
In other words, "God still hates you, fags. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to a prayer meeting."

Correction: Last week's Creep of the Week quoted Martin Algaze as the current spokesperson for Gay Men's Health Crisis. This is incorrect. Algaze is a former spokesperson for the agency.

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