
Creep of the Week: Steve King

Remember when gays were at fault for everything? Gays caused 9/11. Gays caused Hurricane Katrina. Gays caused Perez Hilton. No matter what went wrong in the world, right-wingers were always quick to pin the blame on gays.
But there's a new scapegoat darling in town: socialism. Yes, socialism, the economic/political specter that dare not speak its name. In the minds of many Americans, the thought of universal health care is far more terrifying than the thought of two dudes saying "I do."
Alas, the respite was brief. The super astute Rep. Steve King, a Republican from Iowa, has uncovered the big fat gay socialist marriage agenda and blabbed all about it during a Sept. 23 interview on the WorldNetDaily radio show.
"If there's a push for a socialist society, a society where the foundations of individual rights and liberties are undermined and everybody is thrown together, living collectively off of one pot of resources earned by everyone," he said, "that is, this is one of the goals they have to go to is same-sex marriage because it has to plow through marriage in order to get to their goal."
That's right. Just as socialism is a precursor to communism, gay marriage is a precursor to socialism. Karl Marx laid the whole thing out in his little known work "Das Homosexuelle." First there was feudalism, then capitalism, then gay marriage, then socialism. Granted, Marx tried to couch the whole gay marriage thing preferring euphemisms like "worker revolts," but gays always got the wink-wink, nudge-nudge of it all.
"They want public affirmation," he continued. "They want access to public funds and resources. Eventually all those resources will be pooled because that's the direction we're going. And not only is it a radical social idea, it is a purely socialist concept in the final analysis."
It certainly is a radical idea, but hey, the gays want what the gays want. And basically they aren't going to be happy until their Crate and Barrel wedding registries are subsidized with tax dollars.
King also gave a shout-out to his man Rick Santorum.
"And I just would extend that rationale and argue this, that if marriage is something other than union between one man and one woman, … if there's a right to same-sex marriage, if that right exists then that means Rick Santorum was right. The right also exists for any other relationship that one might argue. Then there would exist no ban, no rational foundation to prohibit incest, for example, between father and a son or a daughter or a mother and a son or daughter, for example, or brothers and sisters."
So if two consenting adults of the same sex can legally marry then the gloves are off for parents to rape their children? Wow. You can't argue with logic like that.
The National Logic Society is totally going to give King their award for having the Best Looking Ass While Wearing Logic Pants. This year's judge? Rick Santorum. Ten bucks says King cries during his acceptance speech.

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