
Don't ignore the right

Dear BTL,
In your "Creep of the Week" article published on Nov. 17, 2005, you falsely state that the Log Cabin Republicans believe that being gay is a non-issue. This is nonsense. If being gay were a non-issue for Log Cabin Republicans, we wouldn't exist. The fact is that Log Cabin has stood beside other GLBT organizations, both in Michigan and nationally, to achieve equality. Log Cabin has highlighted the fact that gay Republicans exist and are active members of both the GOP and the GLBT community.
You recycle an old joke about Bob Barr's support of DOMA and the failure of his own marriages. But perhaps you were unaware that Barr has come out against the Federal "Marriage Protection Amendment." It is also worth restating that it was President Clinton who signed DOMA into law; does this merit a cheap shot at his marital problems? Clinton also brought us Don't Ask Don't Tell, which Log Cabin and the Service Member's Legal Defense Fund are passionately working to repeal.
The sad fact is that Democrats continue to bank on identity politics for electoral support, while failing to advance the well being of the minority groups they claim to represent. From Bill Clinton down to State Senator Dennis Olshove and State Representative John Gleason, Democrats both within and without Michigan have taken our votes for granted while siding against the GLBT community when it is politically convenient.
Increasingly, advocacy groups are realizing the importance of reaching out to both sides of the aisle. Planned Parenthood's new Republican Outreach program will soon be headed by Log Cabin's outgoing Political Director Chris Barron. Michigan Equality has repeatedly reached out to Republicans. HRC has touted that a majority of their members self-identify as Republicans. Most recently, Log Cabin Republicans from across the nation worked with Texas GLBT organizations to defeat the marriage amendment there.
If we as a community continue to ignore the right side of the spectrum and rely on the Democratic Party we will continue to fail to bring inclusive legislation to the table. No matter who wins the Governorship and the Legislature in 2006, we need to work with both parties to educate officials and bring about change on the issues that face the GLBT community.
For every sneer or gesture I receive being a gay Republican, I receive two thank you's: thank you for providing a place to go; thank you for giving us a voice; thank you for making us feel accepted.

Gregory Wright
Log Cabin Republicans of Michigan

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