Drawing the Line
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Trump and Vance: Immigrants Are to Blame for Everything Wrong, Don’t Fact Check Us
It’s almost midnight on a Sunday and I really, really wish that I was fast asleep but, alas, I am not. And it sucks.My battle with insomnia has been going [...]
Log Cabin Republicans Think LGBTQ+ People Have It Too Good In America
I have long had nothing but contempt for Log Cabin Republicans. But after reading LCR President Charles Moran’s opinion piece in Newsweek, my immediate [...]
Mark Robinson Is Emblematic of the Hypocrisy of the Entire Republican Party
For the past few years, I’ve heard people say Republicans have a “candidate quality” problem. In other words, that Republicans are losing [...]
Donald Trump Hates Taylor Swift, Loves Laura Loomer. We'll See How That Works Out For Him.
OK, so let me see if I have this right. Disgraced former president Donald Trump hates Taylor Swift, one of the most beloved people in the country.Swift, as I am [...]
Evil Isn’t Real. Guns and Murder Are. Yet Republicans Do Nothing.
I don’t believe in evil. When people commit horrific acts there are always those who claim that such acts are “evil.” They are not. They are [...]
Trump’s Claim That Transgender Kids Get Surgeries At School Should Disqualify Him From Office
Can we all just agree that Donald Trump is the absolute worst?Haha. I kid. Not about him being the worst. He is trash. But I know that we cannot all agree on [...]