
Heroes, culture

S/he Said

"They didn't establish (Dumbledore) as a heterosexual, so finding out he's gay isn't a change, it's just further information. Filling in the blanks. The answer is: heterosexism. See, we all make assumptions, but heterosexism is the assumption that everyone is, should be, or wants to be straight. This guy is otherwise open-minded, so it's really only the first part. We all do this, faced with a new person we know nothing about, we fill in blanks where we find them, often from our own lives. In other words, straight people, presented with a character who exhibits no outward token of homosexuality, and doesn't Out themselves in some way, will assume the person is straight. We're all straight until proven gay."
-Jason Dabrowski, actor/artist, in his blog titled "Dumbledore Can't Just Change," about the real life implications of learning that Harry Potter character Albus Dumbledore was gay,, July 26.

"We were eating. Then shooting and then the awful screaming. We saw how the young people ran in panic into the lake. We did not sleep last night at all."
-Hege Dalen and Toril Hansen, a married Norwegian lesbian couple, among the first responders to assist victims following the shooting massacre in Norway. The women made four trips back and forth in their small boat, picking up injured and bloodied youth while dodging the gunman's bullets. "Married lesbian couple rescues 40 kids during Norway shooting rampage,", July 27.

"The fact that sports is a bastion of social reaction when it comes to sexuality is at least in part a reflection of the millions of dollars at stake in endorsement deals. If you walk into any gay or lesbian bar in the country, you'd think equality is brought to you by Absolut vodka. But no major brand is ready to hand over its national profile to an LGBT spokesperson, and it's clear that being openly gay is a commercial liability for athletes."
-Sherry Wolf, in her article titled "America's Deepest Closet," about the sports industry's fierce hostility to open participation by LGBT athletes,, July 27.

"What's the problem? This panel is heavy on the GL part of the community and has that glaring omission. Not sure how the bi portion of our community feels about it, but I can say with certainty that the trans part of the rainbow community is not happy about the erasure of African descended trans people from this historic panel. NAACP, if your goal is to have a serious discussion of the issues that face African-American LGBT people, then you can't erase the people who are taking the brunt of the casualties and discrimination. And it damned sure ain't the GL portion of the community."
-Monica Roberts, writer and award-winning activist, about the panel discussion at the NAACP's first town hall meeting on LGBT issues during its 102nd Annual National Convention,, July 23, in which transsexual, transgender and bisexual panelists were not included. In the last two years, the NAACP has created an LGBT taskforce to help the African-American community fight the challenges of homophobia and transgender discrimination. The panel discussion was moderated by Don Lemon, CNN news anchor; with Julian Bond, NAACP Chairman Emeritus; Professor Beverly Guy-Sheftall of Spelman College; actor Daryl Stephens; comedian Wanda Sykes; and Kenyon Farrow, writer and activist.

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