
How excited are you for Motor City Pride?

I am super-stoked for Motor City Pride finally being celebrated in Downtown Detroit! Funny that my family used to feel "unsafe" watching the Freedom Festival fireworks in Detroit, so we crossed over to Canada. (I couldn't get married here – so I, once again, crossed over to Canada.) The only thing we have to fear is fear itself (and its byproducts, silence, invisibility and marginilization). Can't wait to hold my husband's hand in Hart Plaza and shout, "We're here, we're queer…"
-Peter M. Spencer

EXCITED! This will be our first year going, we are going to meet some friends and have lots of fun!
-Dana Holly Bartush

Not at all. Too confusing. The split is a terrible idea. Nobody I know is going. Sorry.
-Martin Collica

I'm excited and saddened that people have such negative feelings about Detroit! Detroit like every other city has its problems, but stop being part of the problem and take the first step in being part of the solution. Take this opportunity to teach and show people that we are loving family people just like them! Show your pride!
-April Mason

Excited and just as excited for Ferndale Pride!
-Julia Music

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