
Letter: Stop the hate from growing

Dear BTL,
I am very disturbed by the story "Man kills three year old son in attempt to keep him from being 'gay'" ( in the July 21 issue of BTL story. I can only think about the torture this child went through. We owe it to every child in our country to stop this hate from growing.
I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ and all I can do right now is cry when I see the absence of what Jesus taught: to love one another.
What is in this man's heart is an ignorance that has become evil.
If you want to know how extreme it must become in America, before we decide how each of us could ever make a difference, then understand taking NO ACTION is a decision that we cannot maintain anymore. This result in ignorance of religion now means killing babies!
I truly hope you take a stand of zero tolerance for this type of abuse and torture.
Kenn Bing
HRC Board of Governors, Michigan

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