
Marriage Equality Plank at DNC

S/he Said

"I want you to be one of the first to know: After a unanimous decision on Sunday, the drafting committee for the Democratic National Convention embraced marriage equality as part of our platform for the 2012 Convention. The next step will be for the full platform committee to vote on it, after which it will be presented to the delegates at the Convention in Charlotte for a final vote. Make no mistake: This is a historic step toward fairness for all. Once again, Democrats are fighting to move this country forward."
-Barney Frank, Massachusett's 4th district Representative, on behalf of the DNC in an email blast,, July 31
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"We are grateful for the Platform Drafting Committee's unanimous vote to include the freedom to marry in its draft of the Democratic Party platform. As I testified to the Committee on Friday, the Democratic Party has a noble history of fighting for the human and civil rights of all Americans. We are proud that the Committee is including language that will ensure the Party is leading the way forward in supporting marriage for loving and committed same-sex couples and their families."
-Marc Solomon, national campaign director for Freedom to Marry, in a statement responding to the Platform Drafting Committee's decision,, July 30
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"They can kiss the presidential election, the House and now the Senate goodbye … He can collect all the money he wants from San Francisco and Hollywood, but at the end of the day, San Francisco and Hollywood don't elect the president of the United States."
-Brian Brown, president of National Organization for Marriage, regarding Obama's fundraising in response to the DNC's pro-gay marriage platform plank,, July 30
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"There was no press release from the Republican National Committee; no statement from the Romney campaign; no screaming headlines about an "attack on traditional values" aired on Fox News. Democrats will become the first major American political party to change its platform to endorse legal protections for same-sex couples who wish to marry, and … no one is blinking an eye.
If the right saw an electoral opportunity by going on the offensive on this, Republicans would take it. And therein lies the point: the political winds have shifted quickly and anti-gay bigotry no longer translates into votes. The GOP didn't attack President Obama when he endorsed marriage equality in May, and the party didn't attack Democrats yesterday, not just because Dems are on the right side of history, but because Republicans no longer want to advertise about being on the wrong side of public opinion. Between this and the Obama campaign's ads on reproductive rights, the culture war appears to have entered a very different phase."
-Steve Benen, Blogger for "The Maddow Blog," in a column titled "Dems' move on marriage equality draws no pushback,", July 31
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