
Sample letter to friends and family

The following is an example of a letter you can send to your friends, family, and neighbors urging them to decline to sign the anti-equal marriage rights petition.

To my family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and acquaintances,
I am writing to you about an issue that is very important to me and am asking for your help.
Right now in Michigan, petitions are being circulated to get the issue of marriage for same-sex couples on the ballot in Nov. The goal of the petition
is to get a ballot proposal on the Nov. ballot that would ask voters to amend the Michigan Constitution to ban recognition of marriages between same-sex couples.
No matter how you feel about the issue, I am asking you to please decline to sign this petition. Amending the Michigan Constitution is a very serious and drastic measure. Michigan already has laws prohibiting the recognition of marriages between same-sex couples. Amending the Constitution would write second-class status for gays and lesbians – people just like me – into this state's most important document. In addition, having the majority vote on the civil rights of a minority is undemocratic and wrong.
For those of you who support me, thank you. For those who feel they cannot, I ask that you at least not work against me. Please decline to sign the petition against me and my family.

