
Sexually Harassing Teenagers Totally Righteous, Says God

If you spent this past weekend on a beach harassing teenagers for wearing "pornographic" bathing suits, it's totally okay as long as God told you to do it. 

Or at least that's the reason Area Man Logan Dorn gave when he confronted a group of bikini-clad girls on a beach in Colorado.

The girls were minding their own business when Dorn decided that their bodies were something he was moved by God to comment on and condemn as "pornography."

In a TikTok video posted by Mia, one of the girls in question, Dorn is seen standing over them in a pair of black shorts and a white tank top. "Why do you dress this way?" he asks.

"I'm at the beach in my bathing suit," one of the girls says.

"That's a thong, and that's a bra," Dorn replies.

"What do you consider a bathing suit?" a girl asks.

"A one-piece," he responds, pointing toward a woman who is presumably in his group. Who is not wearing a one-piece bathing suit. "You don't need to be showing your bodies."

The girls remind him that God said "do not judge" and "if you find someone's body distracting then gouge your fucking eyes out," referring to the actual part of the Bible that says, "And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and cast it from you."

"Take young eyes into consideration. They don't need to see pornography," he says.

To be fair, the girls were very ambiguous about the attention, telling Dorn repeatedly to leave them alone, "Don't look at me," "Close your eyes," and "Get the fuck away."

With mixed messages like that, Dorn had no choice but to continue talking at them. 

"Here's the thing," he says. "There's free will in America. There's freedom of speech."

But not the freedom to wear a bathing suit on a public beach, apparently. 

"I just had a righteous anger come over me and also just emboldened by the Holy Spirit to go and to confront these ladies and to speak truth," Dorn said in a TikTok video responding to the incident according to Newsweek. I couldn't find the video. Dorn may have taken it down. The video I did see shows Dorn apologizing/evangelizing for the way he handled the interaction:

Note that he didn't say he was sorry for approaching the girls but that he didn't do a good enough job bringing them to Jesus.

Mia says in a follow-up TikTok video that theirs was the only all-female group, "and that's why he approached us."

Beach blanket BINGO. Funny how Dorn's "righteous anger" didn't embolden him to approach any other people on the beach about their attire. It's almost as if that "righteous anger" stems from a deeply rooted misogyny that wants to control women's bodies, combined with the power and privilege of being a white, cis-gender, heterosexual male. Funny how that works. 

Annette Funicello flaunting what the good Lord gave her, not even THINKING about the children. Still from "Beach Blanket Bingo," 1960.

And, surprise, surprise, Dorn's got a problem with transgender and gender-fluid people, too. In his first video responding to the incident, he says, according to New Civil Rights Movement, "People, you know, don't even know their gender anymore. People don't even know. You know, they can go from, you know, if you're, if they're born a male they can be a female, if they're born a female that can be a male, you know, society is really jacked up, and I'm going to continue to stay on the word of truth."

And he'll have plenty of time to be the bathing suit police now that he's unemployed. As a result of these videos going viral, Dorn lost his job.

On Facebook, his former employer said that Dorn had been fired and that they do "not condone Logan's behavior in the videos, nor do his actions reflect our values as a company," and that they strive "to be a place of business where all are treated with utmost respect and acceptance, and actions by our employees which go against those values will not be tolerated."

Damn cancel culture and the radical liberals who run his former place of employment. Which is called "Mighty Hand Construction." A Christian construction company that states on its website, "We will do all things with trust in God, each other, and our leaders," as well as, "We will treat all people with kindness and decency," and "We will not force our beliefs but encourage when permitted."

A note for anyone who may be confused: When a group of girls tells you to leave them alone, and you keep telling them that their bodies are too sexy for children and God to see, that's not encouragement or permission. And if you can't understand that, then a little eye-gouging is the least you can do.


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