
Sports and Republicans

S/he said

"It doesn't feel like a step forward for lesbians or women's sports to me when any woman athlete, regardless of her sexual orientation, has to pander to beer drinking heterosexual men's sex fantasies in order get attention."
– Pat Griffin, in her LGBT sport blog, titled "Lesbians and Lingerie Football: No Muffin Tops Need Apply," about the Lingerie Football League, where players are dressed in skimpy sexy underwear, and a LFL player, Amber Elizabeth, coming out as a lesbian,, March 21.

"A parishioner asked me to do an exorcism for him because he was gay. He had tried everything else he could think of – therapy, prayer, will power, alcohol, support groups, marriage – and nothing worked. It was a heartbreaking situation. As a minister I may have questioned the sinfulness of his actions, but I absolutely knew he was not demon-possessed."
– Murray Richmond, a former Presbyterian minister and hospital chaplain, currently a legislative aide in the Alaska State Senate, in his column titled "I preached against homosexuality, but I was wrong,", March 27.

"This is not a radical concept. It's a mainstream concept. This does not end marriage. It's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when."
– Mark Ferrandino, democrat state representative in Colorado, about the House Judiciary Committee's vote to stop progress of the Colorado Civil Union Act,, April 1. The bill was killed along party lines with 6 Republicans opposed and 5 Democrats in favor.

"Our constitution exists to protect the rights of individuals, and does so by limiting the government's power to control the lives and properties of citizens. A constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, instead of limiting government control, would limit the ability of a select group of citizens to enter into civil marriage, therefore violating the very purpose of our constitution. When we start allowing constitutional amendments that limit individual control, and give that control over to the government, we open ourselves up to more limitations on our individual freedom. It's easy to feel so passionately about an issue that you don't look at it objectively, but what happens when the individual freedom we're discussing is gun control or universal health care? We need to set aside the rhetoric and look at the slope on which we're starting to slide."
– Jeff Angelo, former Republican Iowa state senator, in a guest column titled "Why my view on same-sex marriage has changed," Iowa Register newspaper,, March 31.

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