
We must stand up against 'isms'

I am writing because of the fallout I am seeing in print aver the "departure" of two members of the Affirmations staff, not in judgment, rather as an "outside viewer."
I spent 26 years in the U.S. Army, a place that at one time was at least as segregated by race and sex as the southern United States was, and Detroit still is. The military overcame its "isms" by one very simple means:
They decreed that racism and sexism were unacceptable, and a Court Martial-able offense. As far as racial issues go, the military has been exceptionally successful. We in the LGBTQ community have yet to decide, as a community, to end discrimination. Therefore, it continues. We must, each of us, take a stand and fight against discrimination, at every level and with every person. What does that mean?
It means that when you are with anyone and a discriminatory comment is made, stand up and say that that kind of comment is unacceptable. Be forceful, but polite. Jokes of a religious, racial, sexual, orientational, whatever, comments about the same issues, or just plain nasty words; each of us have the responsibility to put these to an end.
We are all products of our up-bringing; but that does not mean that we are trapped by our up-bringing. This community is divided by race, sex, orientation; every possible distinction divides us.
We are not the queer community, we are a bunch of individuals fighting amongst ourselves over the dumbest stuff!
We are black gay, we are white gay, we are Latino gay, we are Asian gay … etc…. We are divided at every and all levels and therefore we are unable to defend our community from those who wish us harm. Remember the old saying "United we stand, Divided we fall." We fell; we are divided and deserve to fail because of it.
Ms. (Leslie) Thompson said in her interview "Racism exists, and it exists at an institutional level across the country, and we're a product of that like all institutions."
Bull. Institutional racism thrives precisely because it is allowed to. The military ended "Institutional Racism." Why can't we?
We could, but we are too lazy. Blaming problems on "institutional racism" is a cop-out and an excuse. We must stop making excuses, and change it, now. Or die in whatever hell the Kristian Koalition of Kooks has planned for us all; and we will all die if we don't find a way to end "isms."
This is not just an issue for the "white" majority to address. In my experience, everyone has "ism" issues to over come, most chose to not see their own faults, but believe me, we all have them. Look yourself in the mirror, and be honest, and ask yourself what are your pre-conceived prejudices. Take them out and examine them. When you find that they are false, and useless lies, dispose of them. Then go out and greet the first person you see who is different from you and build a bridge. That is the only way we as individuals will ever grow into the community we try, and hope to be.
If Affirmations, Triangle, ACLU, or any other origination wishes to address and overcome its internal "isms," let me know, and I will find you a retired military Equal Opportunity Office to retrain you and your staff.

John W. Keeber
SGT, U.S. Army

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