
Crystal A. Proxmire

Crystal Proxmire is the editor and publisher of The Oakland County Times. She loves covering municipal governance and cheering on community efforts.

Marriage Supporters, Protestors Brave Cold At Courthouse

Jayne Rowse, right, gets a hug from a flag-wielding Linda Lombardini outside the federal courthouse in downtown Detroit. The plaintiffs Rowse and Alice DeBoer appeared at a press conference before court Mar. 3 at which Lombardini and other [...]

Detroit Police Announce LGBT Liaison

Detroit police officer Danni Woods meets LGBT community leaders. She is the new LGBT liaison for the Detroit Police Department. She and Commander Charles Wilson met with leaders form KICK!, Equality Michigan, Ruth Ellis Center, GINA and the ACLU at [...]

WAGS Program In Need Of Support

Jihannh Jones knows the comfort that having a pet can bring. After a long day of work helping service clients at the Michigan AIDS Coalition, Jones goes home to his adorable Shih-Poo named Buddy. "Sometimes in life all you have is your pets when [...]

Yellow Means Doggies Need Space

Illustrated by Lili Chin. Some dogs need their space. Whether it's because they are recovering from an injury, still in the stages of being trained, or simply not that social, some dogs are better left to themselves. That's [...]

What Michigan Schools Should Know About Transgender Students And Staff

There is more to the experience of transgender youth than whether or not they can use the proper restroom at school, and ACLU Staff Attorney Jay Kaplan was at the SOGI Education Conference on Feb. 7 to explain that to the teachers, counselors and [...]

Under New Management: Brian Savage And Michigan Log Cabin Republicans Look To Expand

Exiting Michigan Log Cabin Republican Chairman Joe Sylvester has high hopes for the new leadership of the organization he ran for the past five years. In a recent press release he announced that Brian Savage will be taking over as chairman, Kevin [...]

Transcending Anatomy

Nikk Selik took care to stress that every persons journey is unique and that most journeys are always ongoing. An idealized appearance is not necessarily an endpoint. He also said that gender is not binary. BTL photo: Crystal Proxmire "When I [...]

SOGI Educator Gathering, So Good

When welcoming the conference attendees including teachers, counselors and students, SOGI Initiative Director Timothy Larrabee gave a perspective that guided the tone of the day's learning. "The SOGI Education Conference is about sexual orientation [...]

LGBT Activist From Uganda Makes Special Detroit Appearance Feb. 20

DETROIT – Uganda treats LGBT people like second class citizens. But how deep is the systemic violence in Ugandan society? How cruel is its media in the portrayal of sexual minorities? How little does the government care to protect its LGBT [...]

Want A Healthy Relationship? Here's A Class You Can Take

Whatever the relationship, be it with a partner, family member, children, friends or co-workers, there is always more that can be done to improve it. That's why Affirmations is offering a Relationship Skills Class for those who want to learn what [...]

The SOGI Conference Is Back, Teaching About Inclusive Education

As parents and students become more demanding of inclusive educational environments, teachers and administrators are sometimes at a loss for where to find the resources they need. That's why Oakland University created the School of Education & [...]

The Move Is On: LGBT Immigration Rights Accessible To Michigan Couples

"From the first day I knew she was perfect in my life," said 32-year-old Demi. "I was not scared coming here because I wanted to see her again so bad." Demi grew up in Greece, a country where LGBT people do not have the right to marry or even to [...]