
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Creep of the Week: Dave Daubenmire

Hi there! What are you up to? Me, I'm just reading about the Republican plan to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act that will end up bankrupting and killing people. But first I was reading about the plan to separate women from their [...]

Creep Of The Week: Michael Brown

Whenever someone begins a statement with, "I'm sorry, but…" that's usually a sign that 1) They are not sorry and 2) They're about to say something nasty. Which is exactly the effect of Michael Brown's Feb. 27 Townhall column titled, "I'm Sorry, But [...]

Creep of the Week: Milo Yiannopoulos (Again)

Remember when Simon & Schuster was going to publish a book by Milo Yiannopoulos and people were all, "but he's a racist/misogynist/anti-trans hate monger!" And Simon & Schuster were like, "Yeah, but dollars." But then a recording of [...]

Creep of the Week: Peter LaBarbera

Hair is a very charged and political thing. It has been since, well, forever. For example, a colleague of mine once called the mullet "the hair cut of the oppressed," pointing out that it was a style most commonly worn by Native Americans, [...]

Creep of the Week: Milo Yiannopoulos

We're all about free speech here in America. Well, kind of. So let me amend that: we like to think we're all about free speech here in America. As a friend put it, "I'm proud to live in a country where Donald Trump can say the things he says, but [...]

Creep of the Week: Donald Trump

Great news, everybody! Donald Trump is not planning to rescind President Obama's 2014 executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against LGBTQ people. I repeat, he has said he is not yanking those protections away. So let's all [...]

Creep of the Week: Mat Staver

It's been months since Omar Mateen shot over 100 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, killing 49 people. Surely enough time has passed that we can stop mourning the dead and start worrying about the real victims of the attack: the first [...]

Creep of the Week: The Colson Center for Christian Worldview

This is a watershed moment for religious leaders in the United States. Over 75 Christian leaders have come together to do a remarkable thing: They've signed a statement titled Preserve Freedom, Reject Coercion, which, according to the statement [...]

Creep of the Week: Gordon Klingenschmitt

Something truly terrible happened in Minnesota. An elementary school teacher and his husband were busted for having sex with underage teenagers and filming it. Once they knew they were caught, they fled and killed themselves. My takeaway: the whole [...]

Creep of the Week: Samuel Rodriguez

The Trump transition team doesn't want this to get out, but I got my hands on the questionnaire given to the clergy wanting to pray at his inauguration. It consists of three questions: Are LGBTQ people children of God? Does God hate the poors [...]

Cowboys and Angels' not rugged or heavenly

Don't be a drug dealer. Oh, and your dreams can come true. But not so much if you're a drug dealer. These are the lessons viewers walk away with after seeing "Cowboys & Angels" by writer and director David Gleeson, a rare gay-themed film from [...]

Higher Ground blanket drive

ROYAL OAK – Higher Ground, an HIV/AIDS support group, is collecting brand new blankets to donate to other HIV/AIDS groups including Camp Rainbear, a weekend camp for children and their families that are infected or affected. "Because the community [...]