
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.


Politics Democratic lawmakers plan civil union, gay adoption bills DENVER – Democratic Reps. Tom Plant of Nederland and Alice Madden of Boulder plan to introduce the legislation in the 2004 session to let same-sex couples get "civil union" [...]

Numbers and names

FERNDALE – Over 50 people attended the Fifth Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance at the Metropolitan Community Church of Detroit in Ferndale Nov. 20. The event was sponsored by Transgender Michigan, Affirmations Lesbian Gay Community Center, and [...]

Romantic reads

Four new books to heat up Valentine's Day, with or without that someone special. As always, BTL encourages our readers to support their local independent LGBT bookstores. Best Lesbian Love Stories 2005Angela Brown (Editor)Alyson Publications"Best [...]

Creep of the Week: Jesse Lee Peterson

When racist white people who lurk on World Net Daily claim they have black friends, they're probably referring to Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man who doesn't seem to like black people much. And that's his prerogative! Nobody can make him like black [...]

Creep of the Week: Brian Brown

They're baaaaaaack. The National Organization for Marriage, that is. Though, they never really went anywhere. They were just stuck in place for awhile during the Obama administration. But now that the United States has elected a bigoted rage-baby [...]

Creep of the Week: Donald Trump

When I watched a video of President Obama giving Ellen DeGeneres the Presidential Medal of Freedom and heard him talk about her bravery for coming out back in 1997, I am not ashamed to admit that I cried. But then again, so did Ellen, and so did [...]

Creep of the Week: Betsy DeVos

School sux, amirite, guys? Pencils, books, teachers' dirty looks. Ugh. Who needs it? I mean, the very idea of public education funded by tax dollars sprang from the mind of some lunatic named Thomas Jefferson, who I'm pretty sure is best known for [...]

Creep of the Week: Jeff Sessions

A long, long time ago, in 1986, Jeff Sessions was nominated to be a federal judge in Alabama. But the Senate Judiciary Committee was all, "Uh, no, you're way too racist." Fast forward 30 years and Donald Trump is all, "There's no such thing as too [...]

Creep of the Week: Donald Trump

Hey, so how is everybody doing today? Feeling optimistic about the future? If the target audience for this column was KKK members and fans, the answer would be, "Heil yes!" Because they got their man in the White House! Faced with the choice [...]

Creep of the Week:Tony Perkins

As I write this the polls have just opened in America. I do not yet know the outcome of any races. I am hopeful, because the alternative is to just simmer in dread all day and I'm not going to do that. Bill Maher had a great piece on his show [...]

Creep of the Week: Gordon Klingenschmitt

Whenever people ask me why I decided to get breast cancer last year, I try to evade the question. Maybe I just like spending time in hospitals. Maybe I have a surgery fetish. What I never admit is that I did it for the bonus pay. You might be [...]

Creep Of The Week: Log Cabin Republicans

The Log Cabin Republicans have refused to endorse Donald J. Trump for President. On the one hand, Good for them. I mean, LCR isn't a group with especially high standards (they endorsed Romney, after all), so their refusal to endorse Trump is really [...]