
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Ovaries rock

COMMERCE – If you had the chance to party in the woods with a group of women for three days while being entertained by a diverse line-up of musical talent, would you take it? What if you could do it and help support a good cause at the same [...]

Larry Craig and David Vitter

Creep of the Week All good, God-fearing Americans know the institution of marriage is under attack. Admittedly, it's a little surprising considering that folks against "gay marriage" thought they showed homos good in 2004 when they passed anti-gay [...]

Two's company

When a 17-year-old God-Des left Ann Arbor to attend the University of Wisconsin, she may have already had the music bug in her, but she had yet to meet her better half. At the same time, She was fronting the rock band Dolls in Madison. Now, when you [...]

Creep of the Week: Pat Robertson

Angel rapers! That's what homosexuals are. That's right, you heard me. Homosexuals rape angels. What, you don't believe me? It's in the Bible! Pat Robertson said so. And because gays rape angels, they should not be allowed to get married in Los [...]

Creep of the Week: Peter LaBarbera

Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera is pissed. Specifically, he's pissed at public television. Even more specifically he's pissed at Chicago public TV station WTTW for having the gall to air a documentary during their telethon about gays [...]

Creep of the Week: J. Matt Barber

Ladies and Gentlemen: Ellen DeGeneres is turning American housewives gay. Personally, I just thought she had a talk show where she danced funny and occasionally bawled her eyes out over puppies. But then, I'm not an expert like Concerned Women for [...]

Documentary shines new light on Abu Ghraib

Maybe she really did take all those pictures to document and expose abuse. Maybe her smiling face over the body of a dead Iraqi prisoner really is a mask of sorts as she claims. And the thumbs up? "Whenever I get into a photo, I never know what to [...]

Couples wed in front of City Hall

FERNDALE – Following a night of rain and thunder the sun broke through the crowds to shine over the 8th annual Commitment Ceremony held in front of Ferndale's City Hall. At the event, which is held the day before Motor City Pride, nine same-sex [...]

Creep of the Week: Steve Hotze

It should come as no surprise that the Conservative Republicans of Texas isn't exactly celebrating last month's California Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex couples marrying. What does come as some surprise is how scared of it they seem to [...]

Creep of the Week: Rick Santorum

This week's Creep comes from the "Sticks and Stones" department: "Bigot! Hate-monger! Homophobe!" is how former Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania) began his May 22 tirade in the Philadelphia Inquirer. "Those were just a few of the terms hurled [...]

Creep of the Week: Rep. Sam Graves

You know how kids like to trade the sickest stories they can think of to gross each other out? It turns out, conservatives never grow out of this, but instead of regaling fellow seven-year-olds with tales of boogers and slime monsters, all [...]

Creep of the Week: Vito Fossella

Thank God marriage is safe in Michigan. Marriage for straight folks, of course. Not only marriage, but health care and other benefits that one person may be the conduit through which another person gets them are also safe from the gays here thanks [...]