
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Creep of the Week: David Vitter

From the "Do As I Say Not As I Do Department (that's DAISNAIDD for short) I bring you U.S. Senator David Vitter. The Louisiana Republican has been M.I.A. ever since it was revealed that he was a regular customer of an alleged D.C. prostitution ring [...]

Creep of the Week

Bill O'Reilly "Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd…" Unless that crowd is full of queers. Then you'd best keep the kiddies at home. That's what Bill O'Reilly thinks about the July 8 gay pride night at a San Diego Padres game that [...]

Creep of the Week: North Carolina Family Policy Council

The gig is up when it comes to the war against comprehensive sex-education. Not only does abstinence-only education ignore the existence of LGBT people, it doesn't work despite the billions of taxpayer dollars funneled into it under the Bush [...]

Gay guitar guy still thrivin'

DEARBORN – When Henry Ford Museum kicks off its summer concert series July 12, alternative rock icon Bob Mould will take the stage to strike the first chord on his 1980 Fender Stratocaster. The concert series is part of the museum's new "Rock [...]

Creep of the Week: Jackson Memorial Hospital

"That's against company policy." "We have to follow our regulations." "I'm not authorized to authorize that." "The rules are the rules." We've all heard these excuses at some point in our lives. Often they are the result of when a seemingly [...]

Creep of the Week: Dr. James W. Holsinger

Does America need Surgeon General who believes that gays can be "cured" of their gayness? George W. Bush seems to think so. On May 24 he nominated Dr. James W. Holsinger. to be the next U.S. surgeon general. "Holsinger is an ideologue whose medical [...]

Creep of the Week: Brad Snavely

In case you missed it, the Detroit News ran an excellent piece June 6 on the second parent adoption bill pending in Michigan's legislature. The bill would allow unmarried adults, including gays, to adopt children together. It's a critical piece of [...]

Creep of the Week: Leslie Southwick

Remember the days when Bush was trying to stack the nation's appeals courts with right-wing ideologues? For anybody feeling nostalgic for that time, don't worry. It never ended. Right now Bush has Leslie Southwick on deck for a lifetime seat on the [...]

Creep of the Week: Ted A. Klaudt

Ted A. Klaudt When Ted A. Klaudt (R-Walker) served in the South Dakota House from 1999-2006 he had serious "moral values" conservative cred. The very cred, in fact, the GOP has been hot for since they pulled the covers back on the proverbial bed of [...]

Creep of the Week: Tommy Thompson

Tommy Thompson, former governor of Wisconsin and United States Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2001-2005, is feeling the heat after his decidedly anti-gay response to a question during the GOP presidential debate. The moderator asked the [...]

Putting the 'X' in sex

'Boy Culture' Opens May 18 Main Art Theatre, Royal Oak To paraphrase an old jazz standard: It ain't who you do but the way that you do it. As far as X, the high-priced escort in Seattle at the center of the new movie "Boy Culture," is concerned, sex [...]

Creep of the Week: Rep. Jack Brandenburg

Rep. Jack Brandenburg (R-Harrison Township) to Saginaw Valley State University: "I'm the boss of the world, and you're not!" Always thinking of his constituents – or, rather, the good people of Saginaw, who aren't actually in his district – and [...]