
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Oh, the familial webs we weave

There's this t-shirt I saw once that had a cartoon drawing of a nearly empty auditorium with two or three people sitting in its seats. A banner hanging behind them read, "Adult Children of Normal Parents Annual Meeting." It was meant – of course – [...]

Creep of the Week: Indiana Sen. Jeff Drozda

Indiana Sen. Jeff Drozda This week's Creep is brought to you by our Pick On Someone Your Own Size Department's annual boxing championship. In one corner is Indiana State Senator Jeff Drozda (R-Westfield). In the other corner, a two-year-old [...]

Creep of the Week: Mary Cheney

Mary Cheney Mary has been taking some heat in the wake of the publication of her new memoir and last week's "tell-all" interview with Diane Sawyer (now there's a reporter who knows how to grab an interviewee by the short hairs). Many LGBTs have [...]

Nothing but a good time

FERNDALE – On Saturday, May 6, the Gerry Kulick Community Center in Ferndale was hopping with 130 young people dancing and throwing back soda pop at the largest Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center Prom ever. It was the kind of dance older [...]

Biggest Bash ever

STERLING HEIGHTS – How many cars and how many LGBT supporters does it take to hold your organization's largest-ever fundraiser? If you're Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center, those numbers are in the 200 and 420 range [...]

Creep of the Week: Rep. Scott Hummel

Rep. Scott Hummel Isn't it infuriating how it seems like your insurance company – if, indeed, you are lucky enough to be insured at all – seems to have more say over your health care than you or your doctors? Well, if Rep. Scott Hummel (R-DeWitt) [...]

Creep of the Week: Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline

True or false: two 15-year-olds engaged in a consensual make out session is the same as a child being sexually abused. The answer depends on whether you're Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline or the judge who, on April 19, basically told Kline he [...]

Stars stand up for marriage

NEW YORK – On April 28, 2004, the Crobar nightclub in New York City was packed. From the big name stars to the audience members, everyone was there to do one thing: rock out for marriage. Two years later the live concert is being released on CD and [...]

Creep of the Week: Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher

Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher Happy Diversity Day, y'all. Unless, of course, you're one of them queers. Such was the cheerful message sent last week by Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher, who simultaneously declared April 11 Diversity Day and [...]

Hear Me Out

Oral Fixation Vol. 2 Shakira (Epic) Any album with "Oral Fixation" in the title should start with a reading of "The Lord's Prayer," don't you think? That's just how "Oral Fixation Vol. 2," Shakira's long awaited English-language follow-up to 2001's [...]

Creep of the Week: Sen. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota)

Sen. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) Ah, sisterly love. They say there's no bond like the bond between sisters. Or at least Hallmark does. Of course, there are plenty of sensible people who sing the praises of sisterhood. As Alice Walker once [...]

Forbidden fruit

It's true. God did not make "Adam & Steve" – the movie, at least – though the inclusion of Parker Posey and Chris Kattan as guest stars does feel like a divine gift. That gift, unfortunately, is the film's only saving grace. It's 1987. A young [...]