
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Lost and found

ANN ARBOR – There are dog people: people who like dogs, and then there are Dog People: people who dogs seek out, particularly dogs who are lost or in trouble. Author Ken Foster is a Dog Person. Though it wasn't always this way, as Foster explains in [...]

Out in the U.P. College activist is out up north

MARQUETTE – If Randi Sherman could change one thing about the city she lives in, she might very well wish for a 24-hour restaurant. That is, after she's created a Gay-Straight Alliance in every Northern Michigan High School and eradicated homophobia [...]

Creep of the Week: Welch, W.Va. Police Chief Robert K. Bowman

Welch, W.Va. Police Chief Robert K. Bowman You know, it seems like every time a local community wants to pass a human rights ordinance that includes LGBT people or a state wants to include sexual orientation and gender identity in its [...]

Hear Me Out

The Greatest Cat Power (Matador) Chan Marshall, a.k.a. Cat Power, sounds tired. Not tired in a "I didn't sleep well last night" way, tired in a world-weary, "sadness is a monkey on my back" kind of way. Though she has a reputation as a [...]

Creep of the Week: Ohio Rep. Ron Hood

Ohio Rep. Ron Hood I'll admit, it's hard to have a sense of humor about the sweep of anti-gay adoption bills cropping up. It's just so insulting to the very core to the many LGBT people raising kids – and all of the people who know and love [...]

Creep of the Week: Patrick J. Reilly

Patrick J. Reilly Sometimes people say the darnedest things. Making the latest submission to the "You Can't Argue With Logic Like That Department" (YCAWLLTD, for short) is Patrick J. Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society, a conservative [...]

For those who like to watch

While this winter has been one of the warmest in recent memory, there are still plenty of cold days to come. This means, of course, plenty of reasons to curl up on the couch with one of these new DVDs. Fade To Red: Tori Amos Video Collection [...]

Creep of the Week: George W. Bush

George W. Bush On Jan. 31, 2006 President George W. Bush gave his annual State of the Union address, the results of which were pretty much what you'd expect if you had a grade-schooler fill out his own report card. According to Bush, the state of [...]

Hear Me OUT

B In the Mix Britney Spears (Jive) Remember when people used to say that Britney Spears was the next Madonna? In 2005, Madonna's "Confessions On A Dance Floor" proved that, in fact, Madonna is the next Madonna. For those of you who think Britney [...]

So happy together

Do you believe in love at first sight? Rachel doesn't – not until the day of her wedding at least. Unfortunately, the person on the other end of this discovery isn't the man waiting in a tux for her at the altar. In fact, it isn't a man at all. So [...]

The gloves are off

Creative writing students are often told, "Write what you know." So when Aimee Mann, one of pop music's most literary songwriters, released a concept album telling the story of a drug-addicted boxer, it struck the uninitiated as a little bizarre – [...]

Creep of the Week: Robert H. Knight, director of CWFA's Culture & Family Institute

Robert H. Knight, director of CWFA's Culture & Family Institute Homos can't get anything past the eagle-eyed watchdogs at Concerned Women for America. They see signs of the "homosexual agenda" everywhere, especially in cartoon characters: Tinky [...]