Michelle E. Brown
Living OUT brings loonies from the shadows
And although society wants to define us, the LGBT community, by our sexual activities, our relationships have all the complexity, depth and emotion of any other human relationship. Viewpoint Just when I thought I had heard all the so-called [...]
From the mouths of babes
Viewpoint Inevitably, when asked if I truly believe the LGBT community will ever attain full equality, I only have to look at today's youth – black, white, brown, queer, and without question say yes. Even if pollsters didn't back up this [...]
Viewpoint: Faith in action
My paternal grandfather was one of sixteen. All but four of his siblings were preachers, teachers or both. My dad grew up in a home atmosphere strongly laced with a good dose of hellfire and brimstone as well as constant, very animated, often angry [...]
What does Diversity mean to you or a VERY GAY community
What does diversity mean to you? Really, to you, personally not some textbook definition, what you heard some diversity trainer say or what you've seen or read in a newspaper or magazine. What is diversity to you? You don't have to use fancy words, [...]
Ten little Indians' in Lansing
Robert Fulghum wrote "All I ever needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten." All I remember about kindergarten was singing, having my very own little mat to sleep on at nap time and what seemed like a very long, sometimes scary, walk home holding [...]
Overdue to end 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Each branch of the military has a similar oath every service man or woman is required to take. They swear to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and allegiance to the country and [...]
Viewpoint: Gay bodies lying on the streets
Andrew Anthos is dead. He was 72. Reports say that he was attacked by a man who followed him home after asking if he was gay on the bus. What tipped off the attacker? What went through his mind? Did he see Anthos as "limp-wristed," "light in the [...]
2008: The first year of a better tomorrow
2007 wasn't a horrible year but I'm sure glad its over. It had its GOOD moments – the introduction and possibility of hate crimes legislation and an employment non-discrimination act becoming the law of the land. Faces in our local and national [...]
Viewpoint: MLK Jr.'s dream of widespread equality still alive
On Monday, Jan. 15, we celebrated what would have been the 78th birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. This civil rights leader's sweeping influence on America is not only significant to the African-American community but to struggles for equality [...]
Happy Birthday Ruth - We've come a long way with miles to go
Each Sunday I make time to reflect on life, not just my personal 'vida loca' but the ever-changing world. Sometimes it's with a glass of iced tea. Other Sundays I kick back with a glass of red wine. But this Sunday, July 23, I celebrated with a [...]
FMA Again - It's time for a different song
Every era has a song that symbolizes the hopes, fears, dreams and aspirations of the country at that time. As people started to come together forming unions to protect their rights and for safer working conditions, workers marched against the [...]
A real Day Without Immigrants
In today's hi-tech society, I don't expect to see any recognition of May Day – International Worker's Day – in workplaces across the country, state or city. Besides the assumed association with communist/socialist political philosophies, few of us [...]