
Michelle E. Brown

Michelle E. Brown is a public speaker, activist and author. Her blog radio podcast “Collections By Michelle Brown” airs every Thursday at 7 p.m. Current and archived episodes can be heard on Blog Talk Radio, iTunes, Stitcher or SoundCloud. Follow her on Facebook at

Older, Better, Stronger: Living For My Tomorrow

Viewpoint I am getting older. It was not my plan but, as my aunt would say, it beats the heck out of the alternative. But seriously, most of us have not really made plans for our "golden" years and for the most part are playing catch up paying more [...]

50 Years Of Marching And Still A Long Way To Go

Viewpoint Whether you participated in the historic March on Washington in 1963, weren't even a twinkle in your parents eyes or fall some where in between, it behooves each of us – black, white, brown, young, old, gay and straight to take a moment [...]

No Justice, No Peace For Trayvon Until We Get Beyond the Other

Viewpoint It would be easy to go all in on the outcome of the George Zimmerman trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin – you know that NOT Guilty verdict – from the obvious perspective of race. Here was a young African American teenager – no angel, [...]

VRA: When The Dancing Stops REALLY Protecting Our Equal Rights

On Wednesday the 26th, I was driving down "the Lodge" (M-10 to you non-Detroiters) listening to NPR – of course – specifically "The Diane Rehm Show," waiting to hear the Supreme Court's decision on DOMA and Prop. 8. Like most members of the LGBT [...]

In This Season of Pride

Viewpoint Even though some cities hold their PRIDE celebrations as early as April, Philadelphia's Black Pride was held in April; June will always be the official kick-off month for PRIDE celebrations in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender [...]

Shifting The Paradigm To Be The Architects of Change

Since DOMA landed on the steps of the Supreme Court, support for LGBTQ equality seems to be busting out all over. Supporters are everywhere – LGBTQ, straight, young, old, black, white, brown, religious, Democratic and Republican. Folks we all knew [...]

The Morning After: Equality, DOMA and Beyond

Viewpoint Over the years I have often paraphrased Martin Luther King Jr. when saying how I, as an LGBTQ African American, didn't want special rights just the same rights as every other American. I want to one day, live in a nation, where I and all [...]

It's February: Time for Love, Marriage And Equality

It's February; love's in the air, and apparently everyone is high on the Valentine's Day Kool-Aid. You expect to be inundated with love stories, engagements and wedding photos but did you ever think you would see so many LGBTQ engagements and [...]

Lost in Translation - Django Unchained

First and foremost, let me say I am no movie critic. My tastes in film are as varied as my tastes in music, books and just about everything else. My personal favorites include the 1933 film "42nd Street", "Raise the Red Lantern, Bound", "Y Tu Mama [...]

Promises To Keep And Miles To Go

As we go through life there's a handful of people who change you, whose words haunt you and in critical times, challenging times, crucial times shape your thoughts, move you to action and help you be that part of change, the solution instead of [...]

Stark Difference Part Two: DNC Convenes in Charlotte

Viewpoint "So a Democrat, a Republican and Apathy walk into a bar…" Now that we've seen the "Better Future" offered at the Republican National Convention, it's was the Democrats turn to pitch to American voters an alternative vision this past [...]

Conventions Provide a Stark Difference on A Better Future

Viewpoint "So a Mormon, a Catholic and Atlas walk into a bar….. "The beginning of a bad joke? No it's the beginning of the Republican National Convention. But if you're a woman, poor, a person of color or gay, YES it is the beginning of a bad [...]