
Pride Source Staff

Established in 1995, PSMG produces the award winning weekly LGBT print publication, Between The Lines and the Michigan Pride Source Yellow Pages.

PFLAG Detroit celebrates 25th anniversary

The Detroit chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, a national non-profit organization comprised of more than 200,000 members, celebrates its 25th anniversary this weekend with a dinner catered by the Ukrainian Cultural [...]

Marriage support in New York

"Our nation's permanent mission is to form a 'more perfect union,' deepening the meaning of freedom, broadening the reach of opportunity, strengthening the bonds of community. That mission has inspired and empowered us to extend rights to people [...]

Transgender safety and rights

S/he Said "I believe that coming out makes for a happier life, but that's not a matter of ethics, that's just corny advice." -Rachel Maddow, about a criticism she supposedly made towards Anderson Copper in an interview, [...]

Ruth Ellis goal: $100,000

DETROIT- The Ruth Ellis Center, a non-profit dedicated to LGBT homeless, runaway and at-risk youth, is currently fundraising with a goal of $100,000 before the end of September. Every $2 raised by the center will be matched by $1 from the Community [...]

A campus in transition

LGBT students at Central Michigan University walk a fine line between acceptance and rejection. While they know they can take solace in supportive student organizations, they're also wary of a vocal opposition that sometimes lashes out against [...]

EMU: Protecting LGBTQ students and faculty?

Eastern Michigan University is one of the few state universities that include sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity in its equal opportunity and non-discrimination policy. But its policy also includes some ambiguous language that [...]

Ally women's art on display at Affirmations

Affirmations in downtown Ferndale will open its latest Pittman/Puckett Art Gallery exhibit, "Four Womyn Only," on Feb. 25. The exhibit features the unique paintings and photography of four straight female artists: Deborah Marlowe Kashdan, Lynn [...]

University Project: Eastern Michigan University

When it comes to providing resources and a safe environment on campus for students, Michigan universities vary- some give full support for LGBTQ's while others give no support for the "LGBT…Who?" But with events such as OUTober (a series of events [...]

U-M to host country's largest LGBTQA college conference

This February, the University of Michigan will host the Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Ally College Conference, the country's largest conference of this nature, featuring over 90 diverse workshops as well as nationally known keynote [...]