
Marriage support in New York

"Our nation's permanent mission is to form a 'more perfect union,' deepening the meaning of freedom, broadening the reach of opportunity, strengthening the bonds of community. That mission has inspired and empowered us to extend rights to people previously denied them. Every time we have done that, it has strengthened our nation. Now we should do it again, in New York, with marriage equality. For more than a century, our Statue of Liberty has welcomed all kinds of people from all over the world yearning to be free. In the 21st century, I believe New York's welcome must include marriage equality."
-President Bill Clinton, in a statement made to Human Rights Campaign in regards to marriage equality legislation in New York,, May 5.
"As a New Yorker who not that long ago got married in New York to her best friend, I certainly believe that all of my friends should have the right, as Marc and I did, to marry their best friend. I certainly expect my straight friends to help us achieve that for all New Yorkers, for all Americans, and for the children that Marc and I hope to have someday."
-Chelsea Clinton, daughter of President Bill Clinton, at a pro-gay-marriage event hosted by FriendFactor in New York,, May 3.
"Yes, it would have been nicer if it had come 20 years ago. Yes, he's caused our community plenty of problems by signing DOMA. And yes, on this issue he's behind plenty of pro-marriage Republicans, including Laura Bush and Dick Cheney for heaven's sake. But that's what makes this announcement so lovely: he's had to travel a long way to get here, and now he's joined the nearly 60 percent of New Yorkers who want marriage to happen. Okay! Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work."
-Matt Baume, writing for the online LGBT magazine Queerty in response to President Bill Clinton's statement to HRC,, May 5.
"Right now, with the situation in California tied up in a lawsuit that looks like it will take years to resolve, New York is the biggest prize that remains and if we can win in New York, it will be an important turning point in the marriage effort."
-Richard Socarides, president of Equality Matters and former New York lawyer, about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's efforts to pass same-sex marriage legislation,, April 20.

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