My Teachers Tried to Make Me Straight. It Didn't Work.
Hello to everyone except for Florida, a state that never tires of finding new ways to ostracize LGBTQ+ students, teachers, and other Floridians.October is [...]
Don’t Mess With Texas Because Texas Is Busy Messing With You
In the United States, everybody knows that you don’t mess with Texas. That’s because you don’t have to. Texas will undoubtedly mess with [...]
Mean Girl Tudor Dixon Campaigns on the Backs of Trans Kids
Midterm elections are upon us, my friends. People in Michigan already have ballots in hand. In fact, mine just came today. I can’t wait to vote for [...]
U.S. Radical Right Totally Jelly Of Iran’s Morality Police
In Iran, Islamic religious police detained Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman, for wearing her hijab too loosely. Reports say that some of her hair was visible. [...]
A Baby: Gift from God or Punishment From Hell? That Depends on You, Slut.
In the assault on reproductive freedom in the United States, there’s one thing I can’t really wrap my brain around. According to the people who [...]
Double, Double Toil And Trouble: Radical Right Claims Words Are Black Magic Mind Control
Words. What are they? Are they simply a collection of letters arranged in a particular way to symbolize places, things, ideas, feelings, people and the like so [...]
Right-Wing Extremists: Sound the Alarms! Teachers Indoctrinating Kids with 'Kindness'
Right-wing radicals love to rail against “identity politics” while at the same time asserting that the United States is a white, Christian nation. [...]
The Latest Fad In Radical Right Harassment Campaigns? Children’s Hospitals, Of Course.
I don’t know about you, but when I want to blow off some steam and air some grievances, there’s just no more perfect target than a children’s [...]
Ain’t No Party Like a Republican Party, Because a Republican Party Is Awful
I feel like I’m trapped in a decades long episode of "The Twilight Zone" where I am the only one who can see the monster on the wing of the airplane, and [...]
Trump Happy To Let Supporters Die Defending His Right To Do Crimes
I woke up this morning thinking about disgraced former president Donald Trump and how relieved I was that he wasn’t on Twitter any more so that I was not [...]
Forget Dog Whistles, Republicans Communicate Their Hate Using Bullhorns and Air Raid Sirens
Are you tired of being told how bad things are? Are you sick of being bombarded with terrible news all of the time? Do you wish that you could read about [...]
Michigan Voters To Choose Between Democrats, Radically Unhinged Transphobes In November
I am writing this on Primary Election Eve. By the time you’re reading this, races across the country will be decided, for better or worse.In Michigan, we [...]