
Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, John McCain

Creep of the Week

For those of you who missed the Nov. 28 Republican Presidential YouTube debate you missed seeing an old veteran get kicked in the nuts.
The vet, Keith Kerr from Santa Rosa, California, who was also in the audience that night, asked the following question via video:
"I'm retired brigadier general with 43 years of service, and I'm a graduate of the Special Forces Officer Course, the Command and General Staff Course, and the Army War College. And I'm an openly gay man. I want to know why you think that American men and women in uniform are not professional enough to serve with gays and lesbians."
Hunter began by thanking Kerr for his service. He then said, "Having openly homosexual people serving in the ranks would be bad for unit cohesion." Never mind the estimated 65,000 homos currently in the ranks and over one million gay vets.
Also, Hunter said, the army is full of conservatives who don't like them gays.
Moderator Anderson Cooper then threw the question to Mike Huckabee who said, "People have a right to have whatever feelings, whatever attitudes they wish," he said. "But when their conduct could put at risk the morale or put at risk even the cohesion … I think that's what is at issue, and that's why our policy is what it is."
Okay, so the policy "is what it is" in order to prevent gay "feelings" from becoming gay action.
Next up: Mitt Romney.
"You said in 1994 that you looked forward to the day when gays and lesbians could serve, and I quote, 'openly and honestly' in our nation's military. Do you stand by that?" Cooper asked.
Romney actually sprouted a fur coat on live TV as he tried to weasel out of this one.
"This is not that time," Romney said. "We're in a middle of a war."
Cooper cut him off. "Do you look forward to that time, though, one day?"
"I'm going to listen to the people who run the military to see what the circumstances are like. And my view is that at this stage this is not the time for us to make that kind of a change," he said.
"Is there a change in your position from 1994?" asked Cooper.
Romney replied with some mush about never thinking DADT would work. "When I heard about it, I laughed," he said. "And you know what? It's been there now for what, 15 years? Seems to have worked."
Cooper, still not buying it, said, "So … do you still look forward to a day when gays can serve openly in the military, or no longer?"
Romney again said he'd listen to the military. The audience actually booed.
John McCain, like Hunter, also had the gall to thank Kerr for his service.
McCain said he talks to our military leaders "all the time" and that they "almost unanimously" say DADT is working. His conclusion? "This policy ought to be continued because it's working."
Now get out of here Kerr, before we kick your pansy ass. Oh, but thanks for your service to our country. Except, you know, the gay part.

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