
A Message to BTL Readers and the Greater Michigan LGBTQ Community

The message could not be clearer: respond to the COVID-19 crisis by staying home whenever you can, wash your hands frequently and do whatever you can to not spread the virus. But there is also a much larger message to spread: take care of each other, reach out to people who are isolated and fearful, and let's open our hearts to each other – even if we can't physically open our arms.
The LGBTQ community is uniquely equipped to react to the COVID-19 crisis. We've faced a deadly virus before. We learned how to care for each other, advocate for each other and to think ahead to the physical, emotional, financial and household needs of infected and affected people. As the rest of the country wakes up to the cascading effects of this health crisis, we already know the power of staying connected, reaching out, helping each other and caring about what happens to each person.
At BTL, we remain committed to publishing and using all our resources – print and digital – to connect our community to the needs and resources available, and to provide some level of comfort through connectivity. Fear can be paralyzing. Empathy, love, caring and support can and does mitigate some of that fear.
We will be providing information about how you can help. The HIV/AIDS organizations need help to protect and serve those with already compromised immune systems. Our LGBTQ community centers such as Affirmations, LGBT Detroit and The Ruth Ellis Center are responding to the physical and psychological needs of their constituencies. These important service agencies need all of us to support them now so they can continue to operate – and so they are still there after this crisis passes.
And it will pass. We will get through this together. Please stay connected through the printed version of BTL and online at Even though we can't tell you in person that we love our LGBTQ community and will do whatever we can to help through this surreal time, please know BTL's staff, writers and supporters are committed to service to our beloved community.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
With love and support,
Jan Stevenson & Susan Horowitz
