
Affirmations and Samaritas Offer Foster Care Clinic

A 2017 report released by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority estimated that almost 66,500 people were homeless in Michigan from 2014. Although that's an improvement of 9 percent since 2014, there is still much work to be done. Of that number of homeless people, 13,812 were children in families, and 660 were unaccompanied minors under 18.
In order to combat this number and maintain the current positive trend, Affirmations is partnering with Samaritas, Michigan's largest non-profit organization dedicated to serving children and families.
Interested families and people are invited to the free event, which has a suggested $5 donation. The event will be on Feb. 28, from 6 to 8 p.m. and will be held at Affirmations LGBTQ Community Center at 290 W. 9 Mile Road, Ferndale. More information can be found online at
