
BTL readers respond

We asked and you answered. See what Facebook fans of Between The Lines had to say about whether or not the LGBT community should support local automakers.

"The only answer I can give you now, or even later is YES!" -Karen Lynn Berg, Warren

"The Big Three automakers advertise to the gay community and offer domestic partner benefits, plus our friends and family all work for them. So yeah, buy American." -Colleen Anne Marquis

"The Big Three does support our community, however, remember Martina Navitlova (tennis star) who had commercials (for) Subaru in the 1980s and 1990s? Subaru has always supported our community…just saying." -Darlene Bates

"They're an American company, we're Americans…so yeah, we do need to support them." -Jeremy Furton, Mount Clemens

"Big Three have supported the GLBT community through their various organizations. At Chrysler, the organization was called POD – People of Diversity. When I worked there, I was supported, so I will continue to (support them)." -Jennifer Joquico, Detroit

"Not only yes, but HELL YES!! Those guys are our neighbors, friends and relatives." -Jack Miller, Livonia

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