
Condom Art Show in Kalamazoo this weekend

by Shaun Hittle

Throughout the years, creative people have surely managed to find interesting uses for the sexual protection device commonly known as the condom. But does the condom have a place in our society as art?
Judge for yourself this Saturday, Dec. 1st from 7 p.m.-10 p.m. as the Community AIDS Resource and Education Services (CARES) hosts the Smart Art Condom Art Contest at the Arcus Foundation in Kalamazoo. Artists will present works of art made with condoms at the event being held as part of World AIDS Day.
CARES Director of Client Services David Feaster said his organization is holding the event as a way to continue raising awareness about the need for sexually active people to utilize condoms. "We take them (condoms) for granted here at the office," said Feaster, who added that his organization wants to help make condoms and condom usage more accessible. The condom art show will aim to do that by having some fun with condoms and reinforce that condoms "are no big deal" said Feaster.
Some of the art that has already come in for the contest includes three-dimensional sculpture work as well as some interesting patchwork art. The event, which will also feature music, free food, and speakers will mark the first time CARES has held a condom art contest, and the idea was modeled after some other creative events across the world such as condom fashion shows.

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