
Happy Holidays and Some News from BTL

By Publishers Jan Stevenson and Susan Horowitz
As we approach the holiday season we are excited to share with you our plans for the coming year. After 26 years of continuous publishing we are going to take our first real holiday break! This issue dated Dec. 19, 2019, is the last issue for 2019. We will be back with a new format and a new look starting Jan. 9, 2020. And from then on, Between The Lines will publish biweekly.
As some of you may have already noticed, for some time now our editors and writers have been shifting BTL's editorial design and focus to be more feature-oriented. Our website,, has increasingly been our outlet for breaking news, events, resource listings, contests and more. In 2020 we will build on this trend, continuing to enhance our online presence and functionality while using the biweekly print edition of Between The Lines for longer, more in-depth looks at issues, people and projects that are the most important and interesting to our LGBTQ community.
We also sought to restructure and prepare our media assets — print, digital and social media — to be as effective as possible for the 2020 election season. The results of these elections will determine the future of LGBTQ rights and freedoms for the next generation, to say nothing of the viability of our very democracy. We've already begun working on the 2020 Progressive Voter Guide project to get out the vote and to engage our readers in the process. Stay tuned for updates and your chance to subscribe, share and participate in spreading the word.
The end of the year and the holiday season gives us all a chance to have gratitude for all of our many blessings, to reflect and to take stock of where we are, where we've come from and where we think and hope we are going. In the fast-paced world of print and digital publishing it is a must to keep looking at how best to serve our readers and stakeholders. We look forward to the coming year with hope, faith and huge appreciation for the strong support shown to Pride Source Media Group by so many from our beloved LGBTQ community. It means the world to us. Thank you!
From all of us at Pride Source Media Group – Happy Holidays!


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