
Make a Painting at the Lansing City Market

Usually, publicly taking the plunge into a new hobby can be daunting. Whatever the activity, if one is joining a group of already experienced people, the barrier to entry can feel huge.
Luckily, the Lansing City Market has taken this into account and provided an inclusive spot for beginners to learn a new hobby with its: Make a Painting event.
On Feb. 27 at 6:30 p.m., the Waterfront Bar and Grill will open its doors to anyone who is interested in learning to put a brush to paper — all while getting food in the process. For a fee of $25, attendees will each leave with their own 16 inch x 20 inch version of the night's painting. The event is part of series, that will repeat on March 27 and May 29.
Attendees must register for the event ahead of time. To register, call 517-483-7460, visit any local community center or go to to register for the acvity #216150B. For more information, visit
