
Salus Center UCC Worship Nov. 6

The United Church of Christ and the Lansing-based Salus Center have joined together to provide an LGBTQ-friendly, multi-faith worship event every Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
"If you've never participated before, this is a weekly multi-faith worship experience where people of every identity are welcome to share in our collective efforts to extract the sacred from the ordinary," wrote Salus Center organizers. "You don't have to be Christian or religious to participate! Seriously. Especially considering how religion doesn't always deal kindly with LGBTQ people, we're more invested in helping each person find and/or create meaningful ways of tending to their spiritual health, individually and collectively. Join us anytime!"
The Salus Center is located at 408 S. Washington Square in Lansing. More information about these recurring events can be found on the group's Facebook page here: or by visiting
