
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Creep of the Week: Mike Huckabee

I confess. Once upon a time I thought Mike Huckabee seemed like a nice guy. Granted I disagreed with him on just about every issue imaginable. I thought he was misinformed, kind of crazy, totally wrong on all issues LGBT, but still he seemed like [...]

Creep of the Week: Roy Moore

Alabama's Chief Justice Roy Moore has something to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, and it's going to be hard to hear. Now, if you're in the habit of listening to just about anything Moore says, especially on the subject of them homos, then you [...]

Creep of the Week: Josh Duggar

By now you've probably heard about the scandalous revelation that Josh Duggar, the oldest child of the Duggar clan, has admitted to molesting five underage girls when he was a teenager. At least some of these girls were his sisters. The Duggar cult [...]

Creep of the Week: Jeb Bush

Newsflash: Jeb Bush has finally weighed in on the plight of anti-gay Christian wedding vendors. In an interview with David Brody for "The Brody File," a Christian Broadcasting Network program, Brody asked Bush about so-called religious freedom [...]

Creep of the Week: Health Insurance Companies

We all know that men can get breast cancer. It's more common in women, but it can and does happen. Thankfully, we live in the United States of Gender Equality, where everyone is totally cool with issues of sex, and gender identity isn't some rigid [...]

Creep of the Week: Rick Wiles

Get ready to hunker in your bunkers, everybody, because rumor has it that should the United States Supreme Court rule in favor of marriage equality for all, the results might be explosive! According to Rick "End Times" Wiles, shit's gonna blow up. [...]

Creep of the Week: Pat Robertson

Back in the late 90s on "Saturday Night Live," Will Ferrell played Neil Diamond in a spoof of VH1 Storytellers. After Diamond has told increasingly incriminating stories related to his hit songs while singing the song "Forever In Blue Jeans," he [...]

Creep of the Week: Scott Walker

Think of the last time you've gotten an invitation to a wedding and thought to yourself, "Ugh. These people. I totally don't think they should be getting married, and if I could stop it I would. I'm not going to that!" But then you think, "But I am [...]

Creep of the Week: Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz Before I begin this week's column I'd like to first offer an apology. You see, I have a bad habit of referring to anti-gay politicians and talking heads using terms like "ass," "asshole," "dick" and "dickhead" in the pejorative. I've done [...]

Creep of the Week: Pat Robertson

Extra, extra! Read all about it: Pat Robertson will come to your Big Gay Wedding! There's one condition: you're gonna have to show him a baby conceived through butt sex. Now, I know what you're thinking: "That's not how babies are made and why [...]

Creep of the Week: Mike Pence

It's a shame about what's been happening to the Christians in Indiana ever since the godless homosexuals took over the state. On Oct. 7, 2014 the gays finally realized their dream of destroying marriage in the Hoosier state. It was only a matter of [...]


A film about one of America's most notorious female serial killers framed as a lesbian romance? It may sound implausible, but writer and director Patty Jenkins, with the help of an exceptional performance by Charlize Theron, makes it work. Aileen [...]