
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Creep of the Week: Bob Frey

Bob Frey, a Republican candidate for the Minnesota House of Representatives, was recently in the news for saying some really unhinged, not to mention scientifically inaccurate, things about how AIDS is transmitted. When it comes to homos, Bob told [...]

Matt Barber On Hobby Lobby

America is a weird place. On the one hand, we have court after court giving the legal middle finger to anti-gay marriage laws across the land. On the other hand, we have a Supreme Court who just ruled that for-profit companies have religious [...]

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage My wife's birthday was June 19, and on that same day a handful of people assembled in front of the Capitol in Washington D.C. to celebrate. Coincidence? Well, yes. But also, no. Let's be clear: they weren't really [...]

Creep of the Week: Scott Esk Says Stoning Gays OK

When I was a little kid I really wanted a rock tumbler. I remember looking through the JC Penney catalog and telling my mom that I hoped Santa would bring me one for Christmas. My mom said something about the tumbler using too much electricity and [...]

Creep of the Week: Bob McDermott

If there's one thing middle school students don't need it's sex education. Because sex is icky and makes some people uncomfortable. It also makes some people gay. At least that's the missionary position being taken by Hawaii Rep. Bob "Anus" [...]

Kevin D. Williamson

Whooo-oooo-whooo-oooo! It's the gender police! Chief Inspector Kevin D. Williamson has put a warrant out for Laverne Cox because she isn't taking the Cox part of her name literally enough. Williamson has laid out his case against Cox in a May 30 [...]

Dr. Robi Ludwig

Another day, another terrible thing happening in this world and another person trying to pin it on the gays. Piece of shit garbage person Elliot Rodger murdered six people in Isla Vista, California, stabbing three to death in his apartment, and [...]

Charles Van Zant

It used to be if you wanted to make a right-wing conservative freak out all you had to do was show them a photo of two dudes kissing. Granted, that still does the trick, but for the past few years, a new boogeyman has been getting a bigger and [...]

Creep Of The Week: Tom Cotton

Okay, let's get one thing straight here. If you are an everyday American citizen (a commoner, let's say), you have very little legal power in the United States. Oh, it might seem like you have power in theory. But most of us, should we be harmed by [...]

Robert R. Reilly

When the author of the book "Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything" writes in his introduction, "It should be emphasized that this critique of the homosexual cause is not an attack upon homosexuals, nor is it [...]

Creep of the Week: Idaho Division of Veterans Services

Imagine that your spouse is dead. You spent 17 years of your lives together, caring for and loving each other. Now her ashes are in a box in your closet. It is your wish that when you die, her ashes will be interred alongside you in your state's [...]

Creep of the Week: Earl Bullard

Here's a hypothetical situation for you: Let's say you've been the mayor for less than a year of a little town in South Carolina called Latta. We're talking 1,400 people, so everybody is probably in everybody's business. Now let's say that your [...]