
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Creep of the Week: Peter Sprigg

Ho ho ho or whatever greeting you choose this season, but the holidays are upon us. For the majority of Americans that means spending a shit load of money on stuff nobody needs or wants. Still, shopping is a patriotic duty in this country so let the [...]

Creep of the Week: James Dobson

During a recent episode of James Dobson's Family Talk radio program, Dobson and his guests discussed the evils of trans-inclusive anti-discrimination laws. Such laws have been dubbed "Bathroom Bills" by the anti-LGBT right because they'd allow [...]

Creep of the Week: Kevin Swanson

There are those who are your run of the mill anti-LGBT folks, and then there are the foaming at the mouth, screamin' to the heavens, shoutin' at the devil anti-LGBT folks like Colorado pastor Kevin Swanson. At the National Religious Liberties [...]

Creep of the Week: Ben Carson

Dear LGBT Community, This is a cease and desist letter regarding the accusation that Ben Carson is a homophobe. Stop such hurtful name calling at once. Carson himself declared himself Officially Not Homophobic during the Oct. 28 Republican Bitch [...]

Creep of the Week: Julio Gonzalez

Oh, Florida. You just love being horrible, don't you? It's not enough that if you do a Google news search for "Florida man" you end up with headlines like, "Florida Man Attacks Karaoke DJ Over Mic Sound, Police Say" and "Florida man dies after [...]

Creep of the Week: Pat Robertson

Thanksgiving is a particularly problematic holiday. I mean, not only do people try to cram the whole extended family into Grandma's 900 square foot house, but the holiday promotes the story that the Indians and the Pilgrims used to party together [...]

Creep of the Week: Eric Metaxas

I may be a grown up, but I read a lot of young adult fiction aimed at LGBT teens. Wait. I shouldn't use the term "aimed at" less I fuel the fire behind Eric Metaxas's idea that YA books are "disproportionately gay" and are trying to turn young [...]

Creep of the Week: Franklin Graham

In a recent interview evangelist Franklin Graham used the "s" word. And he used it a lot. That word is, of course, "sin," as in, "(T)he Obama administration is celebrating sin and they are pushing sin." That's right. Obama pushes sin just like a [...]

Creep of the Week: Star Parker

The 2015 Values Voter Summit — an annual event where conservatives gather round to bitch about abortion, big government and gays — has come and gone. Many delusional and hateful things were said about LGBT people. Complaints about God smiting the [...]

Creep of the Week: Mike Huckabee

Bust out the rainbow M16 assault rifles because things are about to get FABULOUS! The United States Army is about to become the world's biggest pride parade thanks to President Obama's nomination of Eric Fanning for secretary of the Army. The only [...]

Creep of the Week: Steve Deace

Ah, rainbows. Kids wear them on their clothing. They're slathered in sprinkle form onto ice cream cones, are the namesake of a favorite "My Little Pony" character, and even form in the sky because science. Of course, the rainbow is also a symbol of [...]

Creep of the Week: Mat Staver

Now that Kentucky clerk Kim Davis served time in jail after being held in contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, right-wing Christians are in a "we told you so" frenzy. See, these folks have had a persecution [...]