
Transmissions: What's at Stake

By Gwendolyn Ann Smith Election season is upon us, and the primaries are in full swing. In just a few months we'll be offered the choice of two candidates — [...]

Creep of the Week: Manny Pacquiao

Let's pretend that it's your job to get punched in the head over and over and over again by muscular men who train for hours every day with the specific goal [...]

EDITORIAL: Presidential Election is about the Supreme Court

The U.S. presidential election this year is about the United States Supreme Court. Make no doubt about that. Yes, there are issues from income inequality to [...]

Parting Glances: My Black History CT Remembrance

When Detroit-born, Cass Tech graduate Bernard Johnson died, age 60 in 1997, the New York Times carried a quarter-page obit celebrating his life as "a [...]

Michigan Notable Book Awards are Discriminatory

BY LEV RAPHAEL Every year since 2004 the Library of Michigan has publicized as many as 20 Notable Michigan books "reflective of Michigan's diverse ethnic, [...]

A Silent Crisis: LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in Detroit

Jerry Peterson Ruth Ellis Center Executive Director Jerry Peterson. BTL File Photo. A silent crisis is growing among us. During a period of unprecedented [...]

Creep of the Week: Log Cabin Republicans

As a kid, I loved Log Cabin pancake syrup. Not only that, but I thought real maple syrup was gross. Then I grew up. And I no longer believed the dumb things I [...]

Parting Glances: Your Anal Probe, or Mine?

Our benighted Michigan Legislature has in its bedroom, busybody, biblically invasive wisdom recently diddled over wording keeping anal sex — with or without [...]

TRANSMISSIONS: Tip Farther, Hollywood

By Gwendolyn Ann Smith In May of 2014, "Orange is the New Black" star, Laverne Cox, adorned the cover of Time magazine. Next to her was the phrase "The [...]