
Creep of the Week: Saline School Board

I think we can all agree that bullying is bad. No one likes to be bullied (Well, OK, some people do, but not, like, for real. That's why they have a safe [...]

Parting Glances: Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hide

To diddle an old saying: You can't judge a gay author – or his book – by the cover. Case in point: Groundbreaking 1951 sociological expose, "The Homosexual in [...]

S/he said: Bullying, Facebook and It Gets Better

Compiled by Howard Israel "There's a connection between Prop. 8, 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and now this string of teen suicides. It's almost sanctioned to [...]

The Gay Moralist: Paladino's problem

by John Corvino Republican New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino's recent remarks about homosexuality have been widely decried – even by his fellow [...]

Viewpoint: A plea to gay teens

by Jim Larkin "I am terrified by this dark thing That sleeps in me; All day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity. … Its snaky acids kiss. It [...]

Creep of the Week: Matt Barber

It feels like every time we check the news this month there's a story about yet another young person taking his or her life in order to escape anti-gay [...]

Parting Glances: Telling it like it (now) wasn't

There were two newspaper stands in once-busy downtown Detroit in the 1960s – one situated at Grand Circus Park; the other at Campus Martius, across the street [...]

S/he said: Cupcakes, cissexism and Eddie Long

Compiled by Howard Israel "People are created in God's image. Homosexuality is an identity adopted through societal factors. It's an identity disorder." – [...]

The Gay Moralist: The bullies' responsibility - and ours

by John Corvino About 25 years ago, my sister (who was then around 10 years old) decided one day to practice cartwheels in our modestly-sized suburban living [...]

Creep of the Week: Andrew Shirvell

Hopefully by the time you are reading this, Michigan assistant attorney general Andrew Shirvell is out of a job. Shirvell recently took a paid leave of [...]