
Parting Glances: Billboards For Caitlyn J

Two months ago it was a Caitlyn Jenner's transgender media triumph presented by Vanity Fair magazine. High fashion photos – public, private, family commentary, details of important M-to-F, F-to-M harbingers, interlaced with a concise review of sex change history. 134 pages. $12.99. No doubt, a publishing first.
Also jumping on the publicity, sellout readership bandwagon, just a week ago People magazine hit the stands with Caitlyn, again cover featured; and 142 photos highlighting "her emotional journey." 96 pages. $13.99 US. $16.99 CAN. Surely, a publishing second.
People's tell-it-like-it-is coverage includes: "Inside Her First Days as a Woman"; "A Bold New Style"; "Plus: Meet Caitlyn's Proud Mom!" (Hard to believe her lovely daughter Caitlyn's 65.)
Lest it be forgotten that Caitlyn was once 1976 Olympic winner Bruce, there are dozens of pictures of him as a boy, young athlete and a fit, muscular stud. Included too are shots of Bruce with his three wives and his, eventually, eight kids.
"Keeping Up with the Kardashians" features him as a member of "the first family of Reality TV." (Need one be reminded.) Key quote: "At the end of her third marriage, Jenner started on the path to becoming Caitlyn."
For gay male readers of this issue of People, a swimming pool photo – page 51! – with Bruce in blue, pre-Speedos, sporting his hairy treasure trail is hot. Captioned, quote from 1977: "Now for the rest of my life I can be my own boss. I can determine what I'm going to do."
In contrast to the Vanity Fair and People fanfare for Caitlyn as come-lately transgender hero (or, more correctly, heroine), not all media commentary or activists for the transgender community have been so straight forward in PR support and applause.
An editorial in the Washington Blade sums it up: "Some transgender activists have approached the situation with a raised eyebrow. Posing in high-end fashion gowns and corsets in Vanity Fair, for some, highlights the huge gulf that exists between Jenner and the kinds of homeless transgender women of color.
"Many agree Jenner's prominence is a good thing but could it send the message to the straight, middle America's heartland that Jenner is anything close to representative of the trans experience?"
Hoping to capitalize on the groundbreaking PR publicity of Vanity Fair and People magazines for Caitlyn's "Bold New Style," a tri-county Christian coalition – Helping Transgenders to Transform – is considering sponsoring dozens of I-75 billboard signs featuring Caitlyn at her lovely and seductive best.
"If enough positive exposure happens, more than likely the hundreds and hundreds of yearly murders of trans women will cease by half," says HT2T spokesperson Rev. Newton Sphincter. "Americans respond to heavenly, fashionable glamour. A real plus is that Ms. Caitlyn also has remarkable Republican political sensibilities."


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