
Parting Glances: Tomorrow's world belongs to whom?

There's a scene in the popular musical "Cabaret" where several German, blond, Aryan youths seated at an outdoor cafe, prompted by Nazi zeal and bombastic music, leap up one by one, and contagiously sing, "Tomorrow the world belongs to us!"
As far-fetched as it may seem, a big lie that Christian fundamentalists — who really believe that tomorrow the Trump world belongs to Jesus (Pence, Santorum, Ryan, Kim Davis and the AFA) — are lip-syncing is that homosexuals have a secret global agenda.
According to these theocrats, city by city, county by county, country by country, gays plan to take over day care nurseries, schools, churches, theaters, governments, five-star restaurants and — the Lord of Gospel Prosperity unwilling — several more-popular Las Vegas casinos (bring on the springtime-for-Hitler-and-Germany drag queens).
These fundygelicals have it in their collective Holy-Roller-coaster, biblical brains that gays are members of a secret brotherhood of Satanic subversion, a Bund — to use the pre-World War II German collective noun — out to do in everything that's red-blooded American.
Actually, the closest I've come to participating in a gay Bund was in the late-'70s at the Old Interchange, a leather bar that in its heyday was usually packed on weekends with quasi-military types, looking less and less butch and militant as the evening progressed and the liquor poured.
I happened to be there one memorable night for a "presentation of colors." Suddenly, lights came on full glare and loudspeakers blared "The Stars and Stripes Forever." American and leather-themed flags waved, each carried by well-groomed standard bearers in crisp blue shirts, chest straps and shiny chaps.
Heil Castro! Heil Stonewall! Heil Vic Tanny! It was impressive and, given the setting and palatable zeal exhibited, a few zealous patrons actually took off their leather caps, wept and waved. All in all, it was rather surreal.
No, you can't convince this old turkey trotter that we gays constitute a secret Bund out to conquer this or any other unfortunately environmentally doomed continent for the gay lifestyle, as opposed to the militant born-again lifestyle.
According to an eye-opening article, "Protocols of the Velvet Mafia" in DNA magazine, a now-current right-wing strategy is to claim that a Nazi gay clique was ultimately responsible for the Holocaust that took the lives of 6 million Jews.
"American fundamentalist Christian communities are trying to recast the story of the Nazi Holocaust and lay the blame at the feet of gay men.
"Behind the Nazi's program of systematic slaughter of Jews, gypsies, leftists, homosexuals and other groups labeled as undesirable by the German state, fundamentalists see a secret battle between two different camps of gay men, with the Jews targeted for their disapproval of homosexuals."
This conspiracy theory is popularized by a book called, "The Pink Swastika" by self-styled historians Kevin Abrams and Scott Lively.
This latter mental poop-scooper is an American Bible literalist active in the international — yes, the international — anti-gay agitating movement known as the Watchmen on the Walls.
The historical facts stand in contrast to the anti-gay lies. Nazi Germany homosexuals were ruthlessly purged from party ranks, SS military service, public life, whenever and wherever they were discovered or denounced. Hitler personally had his gay SA chief of staff and longtime friend, Ernst Rohm, murdered.
One hundred and fifty gay arrests were made following Rohm's murder. Roughly 15,000 gay men were soon sent to concentration camps. They wore a pink triangle armband and were subjected to horrific brutality.
As for Hitler, he may, say historians, have had an undescended testicle — or, recently news reported, a micropenis — but he didn't switch hit. After 15 years he finally married his airhead, longtime mistress, blonde Eva Braun.
Two days later they committed suicide. Alas: 12 years, 50 million lives, 6 million Jews, 25,000 homosexuals too late. Heil Trump! Heil Santorum! Heil Ryan! Heil the estimated 81 percent of evangelical voters who voted for them (and, the 23 percent of LGBT dimwits who should have known better).


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