
It Doesn't Have To Be 'Michigan Versus LGBT People'

A Schauer/Totten/Peters leadership team would work towards enacting basic civil rights protections in employment, housing, public accommodations and family [...]

Parting Glances: Band Tunes Remembered

Mort Crowley's "Boys In the Band" opened Off-Broadway almost 50 years ago. I bought a copy of the play in Chicago in 1968 and read dialog aloud while driving [...]

Creep of the Week: Tim Dunkin

Conservative commentator Tim Dunkin is raging mad that "sodomites" are allowed to adopt children, and he's not going to take it any more! In an Aug. 2 "think" [...]

Parting Glances Septuagenarianly Speaking

I just turned 70 something or other a couple of months ago, though I actually look much younger with the help of a portable scrim, a Sunset Boulevard screen, [...]

Creep of the Week: Michele Bachmann

Okay folks, let's get a couple of things out of the way here. First, Michele Bachmann (R- Minnesota) is still a member of the United States House of [...]

Parting Glances: JHVH's Door Bell Trade

It's hard to say if it's a good thing or an alarming thing, a plus or a minus for the city of Detroit, but there are 90,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in town for a [...]

Viewpoint: Boycott MichFest Till Trans Inclusion A Reality

By Zoe Steinfield Camp Trans organizers from 2006 Our culture hates transgender women like me. If a TV is on I can expect to be demeaned as disturbing and [...]

Viewpoint:Why Trans Exclusion At Michfest Must Finally End

By Emily Dievendorf "We have said that this space, for this week, is intended to be for womyn who were born female, raised as girls and who continue to [...]

Creep of the Week: D.J. Dolce

Did you hear the news? Just over two percent told the CDC that they're gay, lesbian or bisexual. And people are freaking out. Some people are arguing that the [...]

Transmissions: The Long, Hot Summer

By Gwendolyn Ann Smith On the 3rd of June, the body of Kandy Hall, a 40-year-old transgender woman of color, was discovered in a field on the northeast side of [...]

Parting Glances: Bavel's Rolero Redux

At my age, I fidget after five minutes exposure to certain quote/unquote cultural happenings. Harpsichord recitals. Accordion extravaganzas. Art song evenings. [...]