
Dr. Robi Ludwig

Another day, another terrible thing happening in this world and another person trying to pin it on the gays. Piece of shit garbage person Elliot Rodger [...]

No Fairy Tale Yet For Connecticut Girl

by Gwendolyn Ann Smith Some stories just don't have happy endings. A transgender teenager only identified as "Jane Doe," has been in the custody of the [...]

Parting Glances My 10 Minutes in Heaven (Pt. 4)

I'm not quiet sure if it was 12:06 or 12:07 a.m. in my heavenly sojourn. It seems like a century between these 60 seconds. Believe it or not, two seemingly [...]

BTL Editorial: An Epidemic Solution After 30 Years Should Be Embraced

Let's be perfectly clear: The announcement last week expanding who should be able to access the HIV prevention technology PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a [...]

Charles Van Zant

It used to be if you wanted to make a right-wing conservative freak out all you had to do was show them a photo of two dudes kissing. Granted, that still does [...]

Parting Glances: My 10 Minutes in Heaven (Pt. 3)

Footnote: Following BTL publication of Pt. 1 and Pt. 2, several big time book publishers called me with contractual offers. Modestly, I said that as a renegade [...]

Creep Of The Week: Tom Cotton

Okay, let's get one thing straight here. If you are an everyday American citizen (a commoner, let's say), you have very little legal power in the United [...]

Historic First For NFL And Gay Community

The visual was stunning. There for all the (sports) world to see on ESPN stood Michael Sam, crying onto his boyfriend's shoulder and kissing him repeatedly [...]

Job Protections: It's Time For Michigan To Make Our Values Clear

By Sommer Foster Michael Sam just became the NFL's first openly gay professional football player. The league doesn't discriminate – the only thing that matters [...]

Parting Glances: My 10 Minutes In Heaven (Pt. 2)

My cellphone says 12:03 a.m. My second afterlife minute in heaven. (This brief account is probably an LGBT first.) DISCLAIMER: Unlike many straight accounts, [...]