
BSA Quotes

"The BSA now will have to look gay teens in the eye, boys who've been involved in Scouting for years, and tell them they're not going to be able to grow into [...]

Here, there, everywhere!

Parting Glances I've been rereading Irish author Colm Toibin's book "Love in A Dark Time," as Motor City and Ferndale's Pride 2013 events take place one week [...]

In This Season of Pride

Viewpoint Even though some cities hold their PRIDE celebrations as early as April, Philadelphia's Black Pride was held in April; June will always be the [...]

E. W. Jackson

Creep of the Week Oh, Virginia, you crazy. And if you need proof you need look no further than, E. W. Jackson, the Republican candidate for Lieutenant [...]

Whose Nose Knows Best?

Parting Glances In the movie "The Ten Percent Solution" master sleuth Sherlock Holmes visits shrink Sigmund Freud for some desperate psychoanalytical advice [...]

HIV Disclosure

By Scott Schoettes, HIV Project Director for Lambda Legal Ask Lambda Legal Q: I was online and reading about people getting prosecuted for having sex because [...]

How's your lipogram, Mary?

Parting Glances It's one of our crazy, straight cultural givens that a high pitched "s" sound is associated with being gay. It's the lisp that goes with the [...]

Names Have Power

by Gwendolyn Ann Smith Transmissions "Use the pronoun preferred by the individuals who have acquired the physical characteristics (by hormone therapy, body [...]

Noson Leiter

Creep of the Week The Christian-dominated religious right in America is not exactly known for being BFFs with Jews. I mean, there's that whole "Your people [...]

And Minnesota Makes Three In Two Weeks

Minnesota will be the 12th state to join the marriage equality column, and the first Midwestern state to do so legislatively. (Iowa became a marriage equality [...]