
Dave Agema

Creep of the Week Facebook's ever-changing privacy settings can be confusing, but you might want to click the "Only Me" setting if you're about to post [...]

Wedding Belles Are Wringing

Parting Glances It all started as an oh-so-clever, Mary! same-sex wedding joke that quickly got out of hand, soon becoming an urban legend. This year there's [...]

A Voice On Pause ...

Parting Glances It happened suddenly. One minute I had my voice. The next minute it was gone. There was no temperature. No nausea. No dizziness. (No more [...]

My Family And Marriage Equality

by Braiden Neubecker, age 10 1/2 David (left) and Lee Neubecker with their children Braiden and Michael. Courtesy of the Neubecker family VIEWPOINTS Love is [...]

Sandy Rios

Creep of the Week If there's one thing kids in America hear too often it's how totally cool and fantastic homosexuality is. Once upon a time there was a lot [...]

The Morning After: Equality, DOMA and Beyond

Viewpoint Over the years I have often paraphrased Martin Luther King Jr. when saying how I, as an LGBTQ African American, didn't want special rights just the [...]

Statement By HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius On LGBT Health Awareness Week

Monday, March 25, 2013 Shortly after the Affordable Care Act was enacted, President Obama asked me to identify steps we could take at the Department of Health [...]

Andrea Lafferty

Creep of the Week As you may have heard, Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has come out of the closet. Not as gay, but as the father of a gay son. And not only as [...]

Fruit-flavored Banking

Parting Glances The following quote is just too, well, fabulous – to use an overworked gay adjective – not to bring it out of the celluloid closet to [...]