
Rick Perry

Creep of the Week You don't have to be a political scientist to recognize that Texas Governor Rick Perry is an ignorant prick. But I've got to hand it to [...]

The Bachmanns, Muppets and Finances

S/He Said "I don't believe Michele Bachmann's husband is gay – I don't think you'd [Michele Bachmann] run for president – I think he's just effete. If you [...]

Wise men, cross-dressing chickens

Parting Glances An olde, olde legend – newly shared for posterity by a handful of forthright and gay-friendly scholars – says that the wise man known as [...]

Mother brings Boy to tell Michele Bachmann: "My mommies are gay but they don't need any fixing." Watch the video and tell us what you think.

Heard on Facebook The kid does seem pretty uncomfortable though… Not entirely sure using children like this is the most helpful way to make a point. -Daphne [...]

A good man is hard to find

By Abby Dees The first writing I ever got published was an essay about my frustration with straight men. It was really more of a screed, albeit a funny one. I [...]

David Usher

Creep of the Week Marriage between same-sex couples has, to say the least, become a complicated social issue. Mind you, it shouldn't be complicated. But it's [...]

Gay Agenda Santa Outed

Parting Glances I hate to play the Gay Grinch Who Stole Christmas but there's a movement afoot by the Southern Comfort Baptists to do away with all suspected [...]

Homelessness, GSAs

Compiled by Howard Israel S/He Said "If you care about gay rights, you'll skip the Salvation Army buckets in favor of a charity that doesn't actively [...]

Words and actions

By Denise Brogan-Kator In law school, I was trained to pay attention to words. We were taught that when reviewing a law, the words themselves are the best [...]

Troy's new mayor posted an anti-gay slam on her Facebook. Some are calling for her resignation and boycotting Troy stores in protest. What do you think should be done?

Heard on Facebook I think she should resign. Her wages are paid by us taxpayers. Gay taxpayers. -Duane Harter Jr. Boycott the city and her employer. See how [...]

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