
Parting Glances: Pages past tense #2

35 right; 25 left; 15 right. Click! After 60-plus years I can still recall my locker combination at Harry Burns Hutchins Intermediate, located on Detroit's [...]

Run for office

By Emily Dievendorf Advocates get a lot of complaints. As Michigan's only lobbyist entirely dedicated to gay and transgender rights I routinely don't make [...]

S/He Said: Girl Scouts of America and Homohate

["\nCompiled by Howard Israel\n\n\"I did a small amount of web-based research… abundant evidence proves that the agenda of Planned Parenthood includes [...]

Democrats: Say I do

S/he Said "I think (the Democratic platform) should (include marriage equality), period, end of sentence," she said. "But it sort of goes to the conversation [...]

Rick Santorum

Creep of the Week America loves a circus. Doesn't even matter if it's ethical. Tigers locked in cages all day? Elephants viciously whipped? We don't care. We [...]

Sex with zombies

Parting Glances Twice recently I observe an attractive young woman interviewing graduating seniors at a nearby Barnes & Noble bookstore. Curious about [...]

Time Heals No Wounds: Why waiting for LGBT equality is a waste of time

By Abby Dees Thinking Out Loud While my home state of California is still wrestling with whether allowing gay marriage will send us floating into the [...]

In an interview with David Gregory, Santorum claimed no proof exists that he wants to impose his own values on other Americans. Have you found any proof?

Heard on Facebook He cleverly confuses the "right to bring your faith to the public square" (which is hard to object to), with some imagined right to impose [...]

Chris Christie

Creep of the Week Well, marriage equality was nearly realized in New Jersey. But one guy stood in the way. And that one guy was Governor Chris Christie who [...]

Marriage Equality

Compiled By Howard Israel S/he said "To Rick Santorum and the rest of the GOP field, my marriage will have no value because my relationship itself has no [...]