
Montana Senator Wants to Know Why LGBTQ+ Keep Hitting Themselves

Do you have the devil in you? If not, then what are you waiting for? 'Tis the Season, after all. Flu shot season, that is. And COVID-19 vaccination booster [...]

A Magic Moment Recalled!

About a dozen days ago tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow — at my age how can I be sure? — I was gifted with a pair of John Lennon enchantment [...]

Teachers Sue School District for Right to Misgender Trans Students in the Name of Religious Freedom

Taking a look at what's going on in U.S. public schools and I have to say, things aren't great! From parents harassing and threatening school personnel with [...]

Talk Show Host Wistfully Remembers How Great It Was For Gays During AIDS Epidemic

Those who forget history, or who willfully ignore it, are doomed to repeat it, which is why it should worry you that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capital has [...]

Creativity: One Day At A Time

I started writing my Parting Glances columns in 1990 or thereabouts. The premise was simple enough. Choose an important LGB — and occasionally T — historical [...]

Twitter Silences U.S. Rep By Forcing Him to Use His Second Twitter Account to Complain About Twitter Suspending His Other Account

Twitter owes U.S. Rep. Jim Banks (R-Indiana) a big apology. They canceled him! Just because he used the site to do something that directly violated their terms [...]

Texas School District Has Had It With Long-Haired Hippie Students

Hair is political.  The rules about hair in the United States are, well, hairy. A lot of it goes back to the Bible, which has lots of wild opinions about [...]

When Halloween in Detroit Was a Drag Queen Celebration

As the Allies began to beat the Axis in World War II, a mood of cautious celebration took hold in Detroit's gay bar clubs.  Downtown side streets Farmer [...]

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Opens Mouth, Spews Filth

Dear Readers, I am not filth. And neither are you. This isn't something that I should have to declare. But readers of this column know that there are people [...]

Pat Robertson Is Retiring to Spend More Time With His Bigotry

It's the end of an era. A very harmful and stupid era. Pat Robertson is stepping down from "The 700 Club." Robertson, the founder of the Christian Broadcast [...]

Three Days to Consider

Monday, Oct. 11 offers three choices: LGBTQ+ celebration, Native American reconsideration, and some conflict of interest to Chris Columbus 1492 believers. As [...]

Liz Cheney Makes Brave Public Declaration: Her Sister Is Human and Deserves Human Rights

U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is not going to save us. I know it's all the rage to point to her as the one reasonably sane Republican in a sea of seditious [...]