
With This Supreme Court, the LGBTQ+ Community Must Prepare for Attacks on Their Rights

There’s an old adage that advises people to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.With the U.S. Supreme Court now dominated by a conservative [...]

Forget Dog Whistles, Republicans Communicate Their Hate Using Bullhorns and Air Raid Sirens

Are you tired of being told how bad things are? Are you sick of being bombarded with terrible news all of the time? Do you wish that you could read about [...]

Michigan Voters To Choose Between Democrats, Radically Unhinged Transphobes In November

I am writing this on Primary Election Eve. By the time you’re reading this, races across the country will be decided, for better or worse.In Michigan, we [...]

Marco Rubio Celebrates Wedding Anniversary By Telling Wife She Is a 'Stupid Waste of Time'

A bill to protect marriage equality passed in the U.S. House recently and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is raring to get it passed in the Senate. [...]

Ted Cruz Thinks Only People Like Him Should Be The Bosses of Marriage Equality

In another episode of “Elections Matter,” the U.S. House of Representatives, which has a Democratic majority, voted to protect the marriages of [...]

I Co-Founded Hotter Than July 27 Years Ago. Here's What the Black LGBTQ+ Pride Event Means to Me Now.

Through hard work, determination, support and imagination, Hotter Than July has been a premier event for 27 years. The project is now older than some people I [...]

People With Uteruses Can't Get Abortions. But Brett Kavanaugh Can't Eat a $20 Sundae in Peace, Either!

I am sure by now you have heard the devastating news about Brett Kavanaugh, credibly-accused sexual assaulter/Supreme Court Justice/man who likes [...]

How Da Brat’s Gender Remixing Brought Up Big Questions in My Black Family

Growing up in a Black middle-class household in the early ’90s, the only force more powerful than God was gender. In our childhood home, there were boys [...]

Yes, Women Are Affected By the Loss of Roe. But So Are Trans People.

I am sure you don’t need me to tell you this: in a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which established constitutional protections for [...]

U.S. Supreme Court Rolls Out Red Carpet, White Hoods for Fascism

Well, this sucks.Even when you know something terrible is coming, you’re never quite prepared for the moment it happens. And yet here we are: The United [...]

Texas Scrubs (aka Republicans), the Deadbeat Dads of State Government, Double Down on Anti-Trans B.S.

I woke up this morning with TLC’s “No Scrubs” stuck in my head, that anthem lambasting “deadbeat ass” men.And then I open my [...]

Mombian: College Application Tips for LGBTQ+ Families

Ah, spring! Time of flowers, birdsong and, for many of us parents and our children, college visits. My own son went through the college admissions process a [...]